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Before the green garbed hero arrived, before the princess’s power arise, before the blade of evils bane, before the kingdom of Hyrule waned, there were kings and queens, soldiers and spies, all battling to keep the kingdom alive. They fought the king of evil’s might, but were all cast down into deepest night. Without their bravery no land would there be, for the hero in green to have set free. So come all ye listeners and harken to me, while I spin thee a tale about the heroes in mail. The common solider whose blood was spilled, to buy time for the hero with the iron will.

Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=The+Fall+of+Hyrule

The click and scrape of metal on stone along with occasional grunt of exertion are the only sounds in the tunnel as Jinom and his flanking force crawl through the narrowing passages that lead to the rear entrance of the Bokoblin base. Prince Jinom wipes sweat from his brow and takes another breath of the stiflingly hot tunnel air. Up ahead, the Sheikah lead the way, dimly illuminating the tunnel with a heavily shaded lantern as the slither silently forward. A few more minutes of crawling later, the tunnel opens up allowing the Prince's men to stand again. This moment of relief is cut short, however, as the Sheikah hurriedly snuff out their lantern and hush everyone into silence. In the dark silence, faint snorting can be heard and dim fire light can be seen dancing on the tunnel wall. Jinom's force creeps forward as quietly as it can coming to a halt just before the tunnel bends to reveal the back entrance to the Bokoblins base.

Peeking carefully around the bend Jinom can see a few blue Bokoblin sentries patroling atop a makeshift stone palisade. Below them, blocking the way into the Bokoblin camp is a simple movable barricade made of sharpened wooden stakes. Judging from the lack of a commotion Darbus's Gorons haven't made their attack yet. All there is left to do, is wait, or attempt a little sabotage...

> Send the Sheikah forward to remove the barricades and clear the way for the Prince's men.

>Have the Sheikah attempt to take out the sentries and give Jinom's force the chance to totally surprise the Bokoblins.

>Hold position and wait for Darbus to attack, rather than risk the Prince's force being discovered early.

>[Write In]
Hey, this quest is back! Right on!

>Have the Sheikah attempt to take out the sentries and give Jinom's force the chance to totally surprise the Bokoblins.
Fortune favours the bold! Or, at least Farore does.
>>Have the Sheikah attempt to take out the sentries and give Jinom's force the chance to totally surprise the Bokoblins.
>Have the Sheikah attempt to take out the sentries and give Jinom's force the chance to totally surprise the Bokoblins.
>>Have the Sheikah attempt to take out the sentries and give Jinom's force the chance to totally surprise the Bokoblins.
>>Have the Sheikah attempt to take out the sentries and give Jinom's force the chance to totally surprise the Bokoblins.


With a barely audible whisper Jinom orders the Sheikah forward to take out the Bokoblin sentries

> Base DC 30 (Entrenched/Alert Foe)

> Sheikah Wisdom +30 DC

> Blue Bokoblin Wisdom -15 DC

> Total DC 45

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = The Sheika are spotted and the alarm is sounded before they even reach the wall and your attack must be launched now to save them and give Darbus’s men the chance at surprise.

1 Passes = The Sheika make it inside, but are spotted and engaged by sentries. No alarm is sounded but you’ll have to move in now if you want to keep it that way.

2 Passes = Taken down or lured away, the sentries are taken care of leaving you a clear path into the Bokoblin camp

3 Passes = The way is cleared and a vulnerability is spotted in the camps defenses. Which will greatly aid the Gorons in their fight once exploited.

Phone posting at the moment update to come in a few hours
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Rolled 44 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

Pretty okay! Sorry for my shit roll, anons.
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The Sheikah move in absolute silence. Sticking to the shadows just out of the torch light they slink right up to the stone palisade. They position themselves just below one of the blue Bokoblins and in a feat of athleticism toss one of their number up the wall. The Bokoblin doesn't even have time to scream as the Sheikah rises into view and sinks his dagger into the swine's neck before pulling its body over the edge. The Sheikah at the foot of the wall catch the falling duo soundlessly. In the next few moments, the Sheikah scale the wall and deal with the remaining sentries discretely before opening the way for Jinom and his men.

The interior of the Bokoblin camp is filled with the snores of sleeping swine and the stench of their refuse. This close to dawn their camp fires have died down and most of the Bokoblins are asleep, though they might not remain so for long. With the outer defenses cleared, Jinom's forces are in an excellent position to launch their surprise flanking attack. They could simply wait now for Darbus's attack, or they could push their luck a little further.

> Stick to plan and await Darbus's attack

> Your current position is too great not to exploit. Begin the attack now and slaughter as many Bokoblins as you can before the camp wakes up.

> Lean a little more on the Sheikah and see if they can't clear the way for Darbus's men the same way they did for yours.

> [Write In]
> Your current position is too great not to exploit. Begin the attack now and slaughter as many Bokoblins as you can before the camp wakes up.
>> Stick to plan and await Darbus's attack
>Your current position is too great not to exploit. Begin the attack now and slaughter as many Bokoblins as you can before the camp wakes up.
> Stick to plan and await Darbus's attack
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Looks like we have a tie let's see what the dice say.


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While the original plan had been to use Darbus’s attack to launch a surprise assault. Jinom’s current position is too advantageous to not exploit. Unsheathing his sword, the prince gestures for his men to do the same. In a whisper just loud enough to be heard by his men Jinom says “Let’s slaughter these pigs.” At their leaders’ orders, the Hylians spread out and take position over their sleeping prey.

> Base DC 50 (Lambs to the slaughter/Larger enemy force)
> Jinom’s Formation’s Wisdom +20 DC
> Bokoblin Sentries Wisdom -15 DC
> Total DC 55

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = Jinom and his men are only able to kill a few Bokoblins before they are detected.
1 Passes = The Bokoblin’s are more alert than expected and the slaughter is stopped soon after it starts.
2 Passes = The ground runs red with Bokoblin blood before Jinom’s men are spotted and the alarm sounded.
3 Passes = The Hylians easily kill double their number in Bokoblins and Jinom’s surprise attack catches the enemy unprepared and scrambling to respond.

Let the killing begin.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Rolled 90 (1d100)

Rolled 83 (1d100)

It was not meant to be, bros...
It's so bokover.
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Unmoving and snoring softly, the Bokoblin sleeping before the prince makes for an easy target. With practiced ease, Jinom takes his sword in both hands and brings its point down hard into the Bokoblin's neck. The blade strikes true and the creature's eyes snap open in panic as blood gushes from its neck. It makes a few feeble attempts to resist and call for help, but only a low gurgle and more blood escapes its lips. Soon the Bokoblin stills and the life leaves its eyes. Nearby, the Sheikah too dispatch their Bokoblins with professional and efficient swiftness. Their victims never waking from their slumber. To Jinom's right Sir Nagos, a man known to have a steady hand, brings his blade up to deliver the coup-de-grace to another sleeping Bokoblin. As Nagos's sword races downward however something awakens the Bokoblin and it flinches at the last moment causing the strike to miss the vitals and instead bury itself into the monster's flesh just below the collar bone. The Bokoblin lets out an ear-piercing squeal and thrashes about under Nagos's sword. The knight pulls his weapon free and brings it down again hoping to silence the beast, but the Bokoblin is struggling too much and the sword once again misses anything immediately fatal. The shrieks of pain grow louder as Nagos stabs the Bokoblin three more times before finally setting his boot on the creature’s chest and driving his sword through its head. The monster is silenced, but the damage is already done. All around, alarms are being raised and Bokoblins are seizing weapons and rising to their feet. With the element of surprise gone the only thing left to do is fight.

To where do you fight?

>Push forward toward the center of the Bokoblin camp, you need to make as big of a distraction as possible, so Darbus’s attack can come in unnoticed.

>Find a defensible position and make your stand there you will soon be out numbered and you will need to hold out until Darbus’s arrives.

>Make your way to the main entrance so that you can open the way for Darbus and link up with his Gorons as soon as possible.



>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)
>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On counter roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless Countered, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
> Disengage: Any damage dealt by unit will be halved, if not Countered unit will break contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round
As a general reminder here are how the formations work:

Three types of stance/formation

> Counters Maneuver
> Wisdom Bonus applies to attack
>Builds Momentum
> Counters Defensive
> Wisdom Bonus split between attack and defense
> Most varied in its effects
> Counters Offensive
> Wisdom Bonus applies to defense
> Lowers Momentum
Wisdom Bonus: Applies half your wisdom score to your attack or defense depending on your stance/formation. If your stance/formation counters your opponents, your full wisdom score is used.
Momentum: Adds to your Power in combat depending on its level
>Level 1: Power Bonus +1
>Level 2: Power Bonus +2
>Level 3: Power Bonus +4

Gaining Momentum: Different stance/formations can effect Momentum in different ways but the general rules are…

>Offensive stances/formations build your momentum by 1
>Maneuvers stances/formations maintain the current momentum
>Defensive stances/formations lower your momentum by 1

Your Formation Stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 4
>Make your way to the main entrance so that you can open the way for Darbus and link up with his Gorons as soon as possible.
>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)
>Push forward toward the center of the Bokoblin camp, you need to make as big of a distraction as possible, so Darbus’s attack can come in unnoticed.
Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On counter roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

>Make your way to the main entrance so that you can open the way for Darbus and link up with his Gorons as soon as possible.

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On counter roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)


Split formation heading for the gate update in a few hours until then I need some rolls.

> I need two anons to roll 1d4+10 for your attack.


> One anon to roll 1d4+8 for your defense.
Rolled 2 + 10 (1d4 + 10)

Bokoblin smashing is a go!
Rolled 1 + 10 (1d4 + 10)

Here's the break down for the current combat.

Your Formation Stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 4 Morale: 64/64


>Maneuver - Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On counter roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

Momentum: 0
Attack: 1d4+10

>Power: 4 (Base: 4)
>Attack Bonus: 10 ( Power: 4 + Full Counter Wisdom Bonus: 4 +Decent Weapons: 2)

Defense: 1d4+8

> Courage: 4 (Base: 4)
> Defense Bonus: 8 (Courage: 4 + Heavily Armored +4)

Mixed Bokoblin Formation stats:
Power: 3 Wisdom: 2 Courage: 2 Morale: 24/24


> *COUNTERED* Huddle Up: Heals half of missing moral if not countered, allows Bokoblins to use improved formations next round.

Momentum: 0

Attack: 1d3+5

>Power: 3 (Base: 3)
>Attack Bonus: 5 (Power: 3 + Decent Weapons: 2)
Defense: 1d2+4

> Courage: 2 (Base: 2)
> Defense Bonus: 4 (Courage: 2 + Makeshift Armor: 1 + Wisdom Bonus: 1)

In order to make group combat a little cleaner and easier to understand. Each group now has Morale (Average Unit Health x Formation's Courage) run out of Morale and your formation is routed and its remaining members easy pickings.

And to simplify numbers advantages, you will be given a set of bonuses depending on how much you out number the enemy or they out number you.

Equal Forces - No bonus
Greater Forces - 1.5 X Morale, 1.2 X unblocked damage dealt, 0.9 X unblocked damage received
Double Forces - 2 X Morale, 1.5 X unblocked damage dealt, 0.80 X unblocked damage received
Totally Outnumber - 3 X Morale, 2 X unblocked damage dealt, 0.65 X unblocked damage received
It's gotten pretty late for me here, so I will have to update tomorrow. Sorry guys.
We got owned lol
Rolled 1, 2 + 4 = 7 (2d2 + 4)


Since the Bokoblins can't possibly beat your defense this round. the only thing left to do is roll the lower of their defense
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Splitting his forces, Jinom orders Sir Nagos to take the other half of his men and meet him at the front entrance to the camp. Thankfully the front entrance isn't too hard to spot as the morning sun streams in through the cave mouth on that side. Keeping in reinforcement range of each other, the two groups tear off through the quickly awakening camp. Half asleep and terrified Bokoblins scramble to get out of the way of charging Hylians as they carve a path through the chaos, until a large mass of Bokoblins blocks their way. The Bokoblin mass is a mix of blues and reds wearing armor made of hides, ropes, and wood planks. Their weapons are surprisingly well made, likely stolen or taken off of some battlefield and sharpened by a Blue Bokoblin "Smith". The enemy is formed up into a solid mass huddled together and gaining additional Bokoblins by the second. With not a moment to lose Jinom's men charge forward clashing with the Bokoblins and engaging them directly. The Bokoblins accept the charge and push back. Forcing the prince and his men to the defensive. The Bokoblins fight hard, snarling, squealing, biting, and striking, forcing Jinom's men to give more ground. The enemy formation loosens up as the Bokoblins grow more eager and attempt to surround the prince's smaller force... exactly as planned. At that moment as the Bokoblin formation breaks up Sir Nagos and his men slam into the Bokoblins from the side cutting into their formation and disorganizing them. The Bokoblins fighting Jinom's men falter in their push as their rear is threatened and the prince rallies his men to counterattack the now confused Bokoblins. Some fall, and others flee as the Bokoblins are pushed back and the two Hylian forces link up.

> The Bokoblins take 7 Morale Damage. 17 Morale remaining.

The initial clash is over, and the battle has now begun, how will you proceed…


>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)
>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
> Disengage: Any damage dealt by unit will be halved, if not *Countered* unit will break contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round.
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
Grind them to dust.
>> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
>Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.


Your Formation Stats:
Power: 4Wisdom: 4Courage: 4Morale: 64/64


> Defensive -Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.

Momentum: 0
Attack: 1d4+6

>Power: 4 (Base: 4)
>Attack Bonus: 6 ( Power: 4 +Decent Weapons: 2)

Defense: 1d4+12

> Courage: 4 (Base: 4)
> Defense Bonus: 8 (Courage: 4 + Heavily Armored +4 + Full Counter Wisdom Bonus: 4)

Mixed Bokoblin Formation stats:
Power: 3Wisdom: 2Courage: 2Morale: 17/24


> *COUNTERED* Offensive - Frenzied Charge -> Wave of Bodies:Generates extra Momentum, adds Courage to Power Stat. Doubles unsaved damage unless *Countered*.

Momentum: 2

Attack: 1d7+10

>Power: 7 (Base: 3 + Momentum: 2 + Frenzied Courage: 2)
>Attack Bonus: 10 (Power: 7 + Decent Weapons: 2 + Wisdom Bonus: 1)

Defense: 1d2+3

> Courage: 2 (Base: 2)
> Defense Bonus: 3 (Courage: 2 + Makeshift Armor: 1)

Going on the defensive was definitely the right choice.

Now I need:

>1d4+6 for your attack

>1d4+12 for your defense
For the attack.
Rolled 1 + 6 (1d4 + 6)

For u anon I roll
Rolled 4 + 12 (1d4 + 12)

Very cool, they don't hurt unless they roll a 7.

I don't quite get the number advantage system. Is it dynamic with the battle as in armies lose troops and one side gets the bonuses? Do we have any right now?

It is dynamic, but rarely will it change once battle has begun, a few things can change it, like either side receiving reinforcements, the size of the battle area changing, and long sustained combats where one side is clearly dominating. You have no size bonus right now, as your current troop levels are pretty equal yet. You'd have to deal 2 or 3 rounds of damage like the first one to see an effect on troop numbers and likely by then the enemy will have routed.
Rolled 2 + 10 (1d7 + 10)


Bokoblin Attack
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d2 + 3)


Bokoblin Defense

Update to come after I get off work.
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"Lock Shields, don't give them an opening." Jinom shouts as the two forces pummel each other. Closing ranks to stand shoulder to shoulder the Hylians tighten up and form an impenetrable wall with their shields as they stand firm against the increasing ferocity of the Bokoblins. Suddenly there is a series of horn blast and the Bokoblins let out a mighty roar throwing themselves recklessly against the Hylian line. The pile up bodies at the front is so great that Bokoblins climb atop their comrades to throw themselves headlong into the middle of prince Jinom's formation, but the men of Hyrule stand firm and the rear ranks cut down these jumpers before they can interrupt the formation. The men at the front hold their ground and dig in their heels as the Bokoblins attempt push through by strength alone.

> The Bokoblins take 2 Morale Damage. 15 Morale remaining.

The pressure is increasing, but the Hylian defense remains solid. What will they do next.


>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)
>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
> Disengage: Any damage dealt by unit will be halved, if not *Countered* unit will break contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round.
> Disengage: Any damage dealt by unit will be halved, if not *Countered* unit will break contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round.
Lead them back and away from the main defenses on a meryr chase. The Goron troops should find the defenders far from organized, and their front fortifications half-abandoned!
>>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target
>> Disengage: Any damage dealt by unit will be halved, if not *Countered* unit will break contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round.
>Lock shields


Disengage it is then

Your Formation Stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 4 Morale: 64/64


> Defensive -Disengage: Any damage dealt by unit will be halved, if not *Countered* unit will break contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round.

Momentum: 0
Attack: 1d4+6

>Power: 4 (Base: 4)
>Attack Bonus: 6 ( Power: 4 +Decent Weapons: 2)

Defense: 1d4+12

> Courage: 4 (Base: 4)
> Defense Bonus: 8 (Courage: 4 + Heavily Armored +4 + Full Counter Wisdom Bonus: 4)

Mixed Bokoblin Formation stats:
Power: 3 Wisdom: 2 Courage: 2 Morale: 15/24


> *COUNTERED* Offensive - Frenzied Charge -> Wave of Bodies:Generates extra Momentum, adds Courage to Power Stat. Doubles unsaved damage unless *Countered*.

Momentum: 3

Attack: 1d9+12

>Power: 9 (Base: 3 + Momentum: 4 + Frenzied Courage: 2)
>Attack Bonus: 12 (Power: 9 + Decent Weapons: 2 + Wisdom Bonus: 1)

Defense: 1d2+3

> Courage: 2 (Base: 2)
> Defense Bonus: 3 (Courage: 2 + Makeshift Armor: 1)

Alright people, I need:

>1d4+6 for your attack

>1d4+12 for your defense
Rolled 2 + 6 (1d4 + 6)

Rolled 2 + 12 (1d4 + 12)

Rolled 3 + 12 (1d9 + 12)


Bokoblin attack
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d2 + 3)


Bokoblin defense

Update will come in a few hours.
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Show them Nayru's courage men." The prince calls to his men. A statement that would be theologically incorrect were it to be said at any other time. These words, agreed upon beforehand, signal to everyone to prepare to Disengage. For to a wise man, it takes great courage and skill to retreat in an orderly fashion before the enemy. As the men prepare to pull away, the Bokoblins increase the pressure, throwing themselves into the Hylian lines with even greater fury. When the final signal is given, the Hylians push forward a step, then fall away as quickly as possible. The break is nearly a clean thing, except for one tenacious Bokoblin sinking its teeth into one of the men-at-arms's calf as he tries to pull back. Thankfully the man's quick moving friends kick the beast off and drag their companion to safety, as the Bokoblins follow the retreating Hylians in a blood thirsty frenzy.

> The Bokoblins take 1 (3/2) damage. 14 Morale remaining.

> Your formation takes 1 damage. 63 Morale remaining.

The Bokoblins are hot on your heels, where are you retreating to?

> Lead the Bokoblins on a chase. The more of them hunting your men, the fewer there will be guarding the front gate.

> Fall back to a more defensible position. Where they won’t be able to take advantage of their increasing numbers.

> Attempt to find an alternate route to the front gate past the slavering hordes of Bokoblins.

> Retreat to the tunnels you came in through. You’ve provided enough of distraction that Darbus should be able to handle it from here.
> Lead the Bokoblins on a chase. The more of them hunting your men, the fewer there will be guarding the front gate.
>> Fall back to a more defensible position. Where they won’t be able to take advantage of their increasing numbers.
>> Lead the Bokoblins on a chase. The more of them hunting your men, the fewer there will be guarding the front gate.
> Lead the Bokoblins on a chase. The more of them hunting your men, the fewer there will be guarding the front gate.
>Lead the Bokoblins on a chase. The more of them hunting your men, the fewer there will be guarding the front gate.


What started as a retreat, quickly turns into a straight up chase as Jinom orders his men to keep running. With blood thirsty Bokoblins hot on their heels however, the order really isn't necessary.

> Base DC 50
> Jinom’s Formation’s Power +20 DC
> Bokoblins Power -15 DC
> Heavily Armored -10 DC
> Total DC 45

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = The Bokoblin’s are too quick for you and you're caught stung out and out of Formation (*BROKEN* Formation for the first round of combat).
1 Passes = The chase ends soon after it starts as the Bokoblin's numbers cut off all escape routes and you're forced back into combat.
2 Passes = The enemy is led all over the camp before they manage to try you down with additional reinforcements.
3 Passes = The chase thoroughly distracts and dis organizes the Bokoblins and as luck would have it the chase ends with you in a rather defenseable position.

Let's see how long your merry chase lasts.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Rolled 30 (1d100)

Rolled 24 (1d100)

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The interior of the Bokoblin camp is a maze of tents, cookfires, and obstacles, with no discernable layout, so Jinom leads his men purely on instinct as they cut this way and that trying to stay ahead of their Bokoblin pursuers. The Bokoblins are fast and determined hunters, doggedly chasing the Hylians as they tear through the camp. They nearly catch them several times, but the collapse of a tent or a sharp change of direction keeps them at bay. The chase lasts for a while until, whether through smarts or just numbers, the Bokoblins finally surround the prince and his men and leave them with nowhere to run. “What now sire?” Sir Nagos pants as he takes up his position next to Jinom.

“Now, we stand and fight, and hope that Darbus can reach us in time.”

“Right, fight till its won we can do that.” Nagos responds tightening his grip on his sword and shifting into a combat stance. With his devoted knights at his side, Jinom gives his first order, of what might be his final fight.


>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)
>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)
Surrounded, if their momentum is allowed to build up the prince might end up being killed here even if we do a lock shields.
>>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
>>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)
>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)

Hold until the Gorons roll over!


"Brace up men, here they come." The Hylians tighten up their formation as the hordes of Bokoblins close in. Squealing, snorting, and grunting the red and blue horde charges.

Your Formation Stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 4 Morale: 63/64


> Defensive -Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)

Momentum: 0

Attack: 1d4+6

>Power: 4 (Base: 4)
>Attack Bonus: 6 ( Power: 4 +Decent Weapons: 2)

Defense: 1d4+12

> Courage: 4 (Base: 4)
> Defense Bonus: 12 (Courage: 4 + Heavily Armored +4 + Full Counter Wisdom Bonus: 4)

Mixed Bokoblin and Moblin Formation stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 2 Courage: 3Morale: 72/72 + Double Forces Bonus: (2 X Morale, 1.5 X unblocked damage dealt, 0.80 X unblocked damage received)


> *COUNTERED* Offensive - Frenzied Charge:Generates extra Momentum. Doubles unsaved damage unless *Countered*. Formation doesn’t roll defense only uses defense bonus.

Momentum: 2

Attack: 1d6+9

>Power: 6 (Base: 4 + Momentum: 2)
>Attack Bonus: 9 (Power: 6 + Decent Weapons: 2 + Wisdom Bonus: 1)

Defense: 1d3+4

> Courage: 3 (Base: 3)
> Defense Bonus: 4 (Courage: 3 + Makeshift Armor: 1)

Roll me...

>1d4+6 for your attack

>1d4+12 for your defense
Rolled 1 + 6 (1d4 + 6)

Rolled 3 + 12 (1d4 + 12)

Rolled 2 + 9 (1d6 + 9)


>Enemy Attack
Rolled 1 + 4 (1d3 + 4)


>Enemy Defense

Whoops the Bokoblins shouldn't have rolled defense it should just be a flat 4
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The Bokoblins slam into the Hylian formation causing it to buckle under the pressure. Blades clash and men, metal, and monsters shriek. The Hylians hold their ground, despite the Bokoblin's overwhelming numbers and bestial ferocity. Blows are exchanged but it is the Bokoblins who eventually stagger back, bloodied.

>The enemy formation suffers (2*0.8) 2 damage. 70 Morale remaining.

Where one Bokoblin falls however, another steps into his place and the pressure is back on. Things are quickly made worse by the appearance of Moblins lumbering through the press to engage the Hylians. Trumpeting loudly and wielding large, wicked looking clubs, they are a terrifying sight. When those towering monsters reach our line they're going to do some damage Jinom thinks to himself as he parries yet another wild attack from the Bokoblin in front of him. A change in tactics might be required to mitigate that damage...


>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)
>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*,

>The enemy formation suffers (3*0.8) 2 damage. 70 Morale remaining.

Is the correct calculation

> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*,
>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target
> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)
>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target
Thin the herd so they can't take advantage of the momentum brought on by the big lads.
Sorry folks, feeling a little whipped by work today, I'm going to let this vote ride until tomorrow.
>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target
No worries, QM. Thank you for the heads up!


Your Formation Stats:
Power: 4Wisdom: 4Courage: 4Morale: 63/64


>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target

Momentum: 1

Attack: 1d5+9

>Power: 5 (Base: 4 + Momentum: 1)
>Attack Bonus: 9 ( Power: 5 + Decent Weapons: 2 + Wisdom Bonus: 2)

Defense: 1d4+8

> Courage: 4 (Base: 4)
> Defense Bonus: 8 (Courage: 4 + Heavily Armored: 4 )

Mixed Bokoblin and Moblin Formation stats:
Power: 4Wisdom: 2Courage: 3Morale: 70/72 + Double Forces Bonus: (2 X Morale, 1.5 X unblocked damage dealt, 0.80 X unblocked damage received)


> Offensive - Line Breaker (Crushing Blows): Halves enemy Defense Bonus. If Enemy Formation is Defensive, will leave Enemy *BROKEN* next round.

Momentum: 3

Attack: 1d8+11

>Power: 8 (Base: 4 + Momentum: 4)
>Attack Bonus: 11 (Power: 8 + Decent Weapons: 2 + Wisdom Bonus: 1)

Defense: 1d3+4

> Courage: 3 (Base: 3)
> Defense Bonus: 4 (Courage: 3 + Makeshift Armor: 1)

Time to strike back, I'll need your rolls gentlemen

>1d5+9 for your attack

>1d4+8 for your defense

Hm, the Captcha was PWN4HW. A sign from the Goddesses?
Rolled 5 + 11 (1d8 + 11)

Rolled 4 + 8 (1d4 + 8)


Whoops need a re-roll here your attack should be 1d5+9
Rolled 2 + 9 (1d5 + 9)

Rolled 6 + 11 (1d8 + 11)


Enemy Attack
Rolled 2 + 4 (1d3 + 4)


Enemy Defense
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The Moblins loom high over the heads of Bokoblin and Hylian alike as they lumber into position. Not wanting to be caught flat-footed just waiting to be crushed under the Moblins massive clubs Jinom shouts. "Forward men, cut them down. Show them the sharpness of our blades." Moving into the crowds of Bokoblins pressed up against them, the Hylians reap a bloody harvest. The front ranks foes are caught off guard and killed quickly, but enraged hordes soon counter attack surrounding and killing any man who took a step too far into the shifting mass of Bokoblins. Even the well armored knights stand no chance as with one swing of their massive clubs, a Moblin can flatten a man into the dirt and leave large dents in his armor. The attack stalls and the Bokoblins push forward, tightening the ring around the Hylians as they are forced back.

>Your formation suffers 27 Morale damage, 36 Morale remains.
>The enemy formation suffers 8 Morale damage, 62 Morale remains.

Dodging back to avoid wide, but powerful swing of a Moblin, Jinom finds himself once again shoulder to shoulder with Sir Nagos, although the knight looks much worse than the last time they’d met. Nagos’s shield is bent inwards and the man’s arm dangles numbly at his side. His once nicely polished armor now covered blood, dirt, and scratches. “Any sight of the Goron’s yet sire.” Nagos grunts through his teeth as he parries an attack from a blue Bokoblin.

“Not yet.”

“Well, I hope they arrive soon, or we may have to think about a retreat.”

Nagos words while, strategically sound, were tactically impossible. Surrounded on all sides by Bokoblin’s there was no way to retreat. The only hope for the prince and his men now was the Gorons, and Jinom hoped they would arrive soon…


>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)
>Armored Advance: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both this unit and its target

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
Armored Advance always seemed to me as too much of a double edge sword.
>> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
> Lock Shields
>Lock Shields
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.


"Lock Shields and hold together men. Don't let their strength frighten you th-" Jinom's order is cut short as he is forced to block two quick blows from a blue Bokoblin.

Your Formation Stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 4 Morale: 36/64


> Defensive - Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.

Momentum: 0

Attack: 1d4+6

>Power: 4 (Base: 4)
>Attack Bonus: 6 ( Power: 4 + Decent Weapons: 2)

Defense: 1d4+12

> Courage: 4 (Base: 4)
> Defense Bonus: 12 (Courage: 4 + Heavily Armored: 4 + Full Counter Wisdom Bonus: 4)

Mixed Bokoblin and Moblin Formation stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 2 Courage: 3 Morale: 62/72 + Double Forces Bonus: (2 X Morale, 1.5 X unblocked damage dealt, 0.80 X unblocked damage received)


> Offensive - Line Breaker (Crushing Blows): Halves enemy Defense Bonus. If Enemy Formation is Defensive, will leave Enemy *BROKEN* next round.

Momentum: 3

Attack: 1d8+11

>Power: 8 (Base: 4 + Momentum: 4)
>Attack Bonus: 11 (Power: 8 + Decent Weapons: 2 + Wisdom Bonus: 1)

Defense: 1d3+4

> Courage: 3 (Base: 3)
> Defense Bonus: 4 (Courage: 3 + Makeshift Armor: 1)

>1d4+6 for your attack

>1d4+12 for your defense
Rolled 3 + 6 (1d4 + 6)

Rolled 1 + 12 (1d4 + 12)

Rolled 2 + 11 (1d8 + 11)


>Enemy Attack
Rolled 1 + 4 (1d3 + 4)


>Enemy Defense
Rolled 8 + 17 (1d9 + 17)

Rolled 4 + 10 (1d6 + 10)

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The prince's remaining troops knit together hoping to hold back another push by the Moblins and Bokoblins. As one of the Moblins raises his club high, shields rise up to respond. The blow connects with terrible force, it’s power enough bend the shields and buckle the knees of the defenders. The men grunt, groan, and curse but they hold on as the club lifts from their shields. There is a breath of relief as the weight disappears, but there is no time for respite as the club crashes down again. Metal creaks and men groan, some falling to their knees, but once again they hold. With a roar of frustration the Moblin, holding its club in both hands, brings the weapon down a third time. The defender’s strength had reached its limit and the third blow topples them. Similar scenes play out all over as the Hylian formation is broken and Bokoblins pour over them. The Hylians fight valiantly, taking many of the over eager Bokoblins down, but there are simply too many of them and the defenders are overwhelmed.

> Your formation suffers 6 Morale damage, 30 Morale remaining.
> The enemy formation suffers 3 Morale damage 59 Morale remaining.

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Prince Jinom fights on desperately trying to rally his men. He cuts his way through one Bokoblin after another trying to reach the pockets of men still fighting, when he is blindsided by the swing of a Moblin club. Thrown and sent tumbling through the dust, the prince struggles to rise to his feet. His limbs are heavy and are slow to obey him and it feels as if the very ground beneath him is shaking. No, the ground is shaking he realizes, and over the sounds of combat, he hears a growing rumble and the sound of... drums?

With a mighty "ROOOAAAA" Darbus and his Gorons rollover the rear of the totally unprepared Bokoblins. Crushing any not lucky enough to get out of the way. Help had arrived.

> Enemy has lost numbers advantage
> The enemy formation suffers 20 Morale damage 11/36 Morale remaining.
> Goron’s suffer no damage

New Formation Stats:
Mixed Hylian Goron Formation
Power: 5 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 5 Morale: 56/80


>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)
>*New* Armored Spearheads: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for the enemy, your units suffer 1.5X unblocked damage. Add defensive bonus from equipment to attack bonus
>*New* Line Breaker (Crushing Blows): Halves enemy Defense Bonus. If Enemy Formation is Defensive, will leave Enemy *BROKEN* next round.

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
> Disengage: Any unsaved damage dealt by unit will be halved, if not *Countered* unit will break contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round.
>*New* Line Breaker (Crushing Blows): Halves enemy Defense Bonus. If Enemy Formation is Defensive, will leave Enemy *BROKEN* next round.

Destroy the defence and let the Gorons crush them to dust!
>*New* Line Breaker (Crushing Blows): Halves enemy Defense Bonus. If Enemy Formation is Defensive, will leave Enemy *BROKEN* next round.


Using the last of the momentum from his roll, Darbus uncurls and delivers a bone shatter punch to head of the Bokoblin Jinom had been fending off. The Bokoblin cartwheels into the dust and then lies motionless. With a hearty laugh the Goron dusts himself off saying. "I thought 'we' were supposed to be the ones launching this attack, yet here you are trying to grab all the glory for yourself."

"Help yourself, there's plenty of glory left to be had yet. Jinom says with just a hint of sarcasm as he shifts his aching shoulder around painfully. "Looks like they're reforming for another attack, if your troops can break their line again we should be able to scatter them."

"Leave to us," Darbus says with a grin "There's nothing a Goron can't break." Falling in behind Darbus and his warriors, the remaining Hylians face off against the reformed lines of the Moblins and Bokoblins.

Your Formation Stats:
Power: 5Wisdom: 4Courage: 5Morale: 56/80


> Offensive -Line Breaker (Crushing Blows): Halves enemy Defense Bonus. If Enemy Formation is Defensive, will leave Enemy *BROKEN* next round.

Momentum: 1

Attack: 1d6+11

>Power: 6 (Base: 5 + Momentum: 1)
>Attack Bonus: 11 ( Power: 6 + Well-Crafted Weapons: 3 + Wisdom Bonus: 2)

Defense: 1d5+9

> Courage: 5 (Base: 5)

> Defense Bonus: 9 (Courage: 5 + Heavily Armored: 4)
Mixed Bokoblin and Moblin Formation stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 2 Courage: 3 Morale: 11/36


> Offensive - Line Breaker (Crushing Blows): Halves enemy Defense Bonus. If Enemy Formation is Defensive, will leave Enemy *BROKEN* next round.

Momentum: 3

Attack: 1d8+11

>Power: 8 (Base: 4 + Momentum: 4)
>Attack Bonus: 11 (Power: 8 + Decent Weapons: 2 + Wisdom Bonus: 1)

Defense: 1d3+4

> Courage: 3 (Base: 3)
> Defense Bonus: 4 (Courage: 3 + Makeshift Armor: 1)

Give me some rolls for your combined offensive.

>1d6+11 for your attack.

>1d5+9 for your defense.
Rolled 6 + 11 (1d6 + 11)

Maybe the true protagonists of this quest are the princes.
Rolled 4 + 9 (1d5 + 9)

Rolled 1 + 11 (1d8 + 11)


>Enemy Attack
Rolled 2 + 4 (1d3 + 4)


>Enemy Defense
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The two sides advance towards each other, slowly at first, then building into a sprint. Men and Gorons shout, Bokoblins and Moblins roar as the twin waves close and collide in a cacophony of battle. A trumpeting Moblin brings his club down onto Darbus, but the Goron raises his arms to block it. The club lands with a dull *thunk* and Darbus is stopped in his tracks, the muscles in his arms bulge under the club’s weight, but with a shout, Darbus slides down the club and delivers a vicious kick to the Moblins knee. The limb buckles then breaks and the creature topples sideways screeching in pain. The monster's shattered knee barely hits the ground before Darbus seizes the Moblin by its snout and slams his fist into its jaw in a powerful uppercut. The Moblin's howls of pain are cut off and the monster falls backwards, unmoving.

>The Bokoblins and Moblins suffer 13 Morale Damage and are routed.

> Your formation suffers 4 Morale damage and stands to run down the enemy.

All over the line, Gorons smash through the enemy formation scattering them or leaving them broken in the dust. The fight leaves the remaining Bokoblins and they flee in a disorganized mess, each one running for its own life. The Gorons roll down the stragglers, while the Hylians finish off those too injured to escape. As the battle winds down, Darbus approaches Jinom "Looks like we got'em. A few of the more cowardly ones might've slipped away, but I don't think they'll be coming back." He says with a satisfied grunt. "We'll stick around a little while to make sure any stragglers get the message that Death Mountain is no place for little piggies. What're you going to do Hylian?"

It was a good question. The obvious next step was to continue on with the diplomatic mission. There were many more peoples to visit and allies to gain, but much damage had been sustained from this battle. A fifth of the escort had been killed and half of those remaining were injured to some degree. If something were to happen on the road, you'd be less able to deal with it. Resting here however would cut into your already shortened time to find allies.

>Take your men and continue on with the mission. You'll take the added risk.
>Stay with the Goron's and rest some. The last thing you want is to be caught unprepared on the road.
> Leave the wounded behind with instructions to join you later. It risks traveling the country side with two under strength forces, but you'd be whole and hearty after your next visit.
>[Write In]

As a heads up I'm going to be a little busy tomorrow, so there may not be an update.
>Stay with the Goron's and rest some. The last thing you want is to be caught unprepared on the road.
Lucky to even be alive, 20% of the escort is dead.
>Stay with the Goron's and rest some. The last thing you want is to be caught unprepared on the road.
>>Stay with the Goron's and rest some. The last thing you want is to be caught unprepared on the road.
Rest and regain strength
> Leave the wounded behind with instructions to join you later. It risks traveling the country side with two under strength forces, but you'd be whole and hearty after your next visit.
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"Me and my men are going to head back and give Darman the good news that the Bokoblin threat to Death Mountain has been dealt with. Then we'll rest up for a while before heading out to rally more support for our war."

"Well, I guess I see you back in Goron City then. I'll have to show you a Goron relaxes after a battle." Darbus barks out a laugh and gives Jinom a slap on the back that nearly knocks him over.

Darman is thrilled at the news that his lands are safe once more and he is more than happy to let Jinom and his escort rest in his city while he shows them all that Goron hospitality has to offer. While Goron "food" is mostly inedible to Hylians, Darman is a considerate host and at the feasts to celebrate the victory over the Bokoblins, all manner of Hylian delicacies are served. The food is prepared in the Goron way. That is to say in large quantities and with a generous amount of spices. It is a far cry from the banquets of Hylian nobility, but it's delicious none the less. After eating there is much singing and dancing and despite their frankly clumsy attempts at dancing the Goron have a blast. Stepping on each other's feet, crashing into other dancers, and falling to the ground, the merriment lasts far into the night.

The following morning, the prince is treated to a Goron massage. An experience that leaves him more bruised than when he went in, but after a soak in the thermal hot springs the prince felt nearly back to normal. A few more days of Goron hospitality later and Jinom and his escort are well enough to move on. Darman thanks the prince once again and promises to send his warriors to their aid at once. "Your father and now you have shown your loyalty to me and my people. You have lived up to our oath of brotherhood and I am glad to call you brother and friend. May the bond between our peoples continue forever." With those final words. Jinom bids farewell and returns to his mission.

>The prince and his remaining escort are fully healed.

Who do you visit next?

> The River Zora, while once enemies, relations between your two peoples have normalized somewhat in recent years. It might be wise to gain their aid, or at least their neutrality in the coming conflict.

> The Rito, even though they are a rather insular people with limited contact with outsiders. They do partake in a decent amount of trade with the Hylians who live near their mountainous home. If you can secure their help, it would be a mighty boost to your cause to have allies capable of flight.

> The Ocean Zora, distinct from their fresh water cousins, are perhaps Hyrule's biggest mercantile partners. While they occasionally clash with the Hylians over fishing grounds on the whole they get along well. With their help you could acquire almost anything you could wish for. Including war materials.

> The Rito, even though they are a rather insular people with limited contact with outsiders. They do partake in a decent amount of trade with the Hylians who live near their mountainous home. If you can secure their help, it would be a mighty boost to your cause to have allies capable of flight.
We ARE already in the mountains...
>> The Rito, even though they are a rather insular people with limited contact with outsiders. They do partake in a decent amount of trade with the Hylians who live near their mountainous home. If you can secure their help, it would be a mighty boost to your cause to have allies capable of flight.
>The Rito, even though they are a rather insular people with limited contact with outsiders. They do partake in a decent amount of trade with the Hylians who live near their mountainous home. If you can secure their help, it would be a mighty boost to your cause to have allies capable of flight.
>> The Rito, even though they are a rather insular people with limited contact with outsiders. They do partake in a decent amount of trade with the Hylians who live near their mountainous home. If you can secure their help, it would be a mighty boost to your cause to have allies capable of flight.
> The Rito, even though they are a rather insular people with limited contact with outsiders. They do partake in a decent amount of trade with the Hylians who live near their mountainous home. If you can secure their help, it would be a mighty boost to your cause to have allies capable of flight.
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The road from east to west takes the prince's party through Hyrule's heartland. Making the march to the Rito's home in the western mountains is a pleasant one. Peasants till the soil and prepare the ground for this year's crop. Many of them stop to stare or wave at the Jinom’s group as they pass by. The warm spring weather aids the journey, but rain storms hinder the group turning hard packed dirt roads into muddy bogs. Jinom slogs on though and eventually reaches the foot of the Madayru Mountains. The Sheikah scout the nearby foot hills and find a small Hylian village. The leader of the village, man named Aemon, shuffles nervously and wrings his hands when he is told the prince's purpose for being here. "I don't know about this your majesty. The Rito are... skittish and nervous around strangers. They mostly keep to themselves unless they need something and even then, they aren't the most talkative. I've gotten to know the ones who come to trade here pretty well, so I could vouch for you but they might only give you a short conversation."

"I don't need much, I just need to speak with their leader about giving us aid against the Gerudo, or at the very least a get them to promise to stay neutral in the conflict."

Aemon's eyes widen "Forgive me for saying this your grace, but you don't know what you're asking for. The Rito aren't led by just one person. There tribes of all sorts on this mountain. There's the Hawk tribe, the Owl tribe, the Raven tribe, the Drillbeaks, and Songbirds just to name the big ones and they all have their own leader. Not to mention you can't just visit these people. My family has been here for generations and even we haven't been to, let alone seen one of their villages. The mountain is pretty inaccessible even in the best of weather and the Rito make their homes in the peaks and valleys high up in the mountains.” Aemon pauses for a breath and try to calm his nerves a little, “Listen if you just want neutrality, I can guarantee it that the Rito have no interest in our conflict, and if I spread the word among the traders that visit here that the Gerudo are our enemies, or aren't trustworthy and there will be almost no chance that they'll make any friends among the Rito. If you insist though I can see about getting one of the traders to talk with you. Maybe if you're lucky, and if you make a good impression, they might put in a good word for you and you can go from there.

>The Rito's neutrality is good enough, their support isn't that necessary.

>Speak with a Rito trader and see if you can't push for greater cooperation.

>Head up the mountains and find a Rito village you don't have time to play diplomatic games. You need the word of the Rito leaders themselves.

>[Write In]
>Speak with a Rito trader and see if you can't push for greater cooperation.
>Speak with a Rito trader and see if you can't push for greater cooperation.
So they're Maroons, are they? Don't want to scare them off.
>>Speak with a Rito trader and see if you can't push for greater cooperation.
>Speak with a Rito trader and see if you can't push for greater cooperation.
>Head up the mountains and find a Rito village you don't have time to play diplomatic games. You need the word of the Rito leaders themselves.

"I wish to speak with these Rito traders, set up meeting with them. When is the next one due to arrive?"

Aemon shrugs "They come and go as they need your grace. Usually about once or twice a month in the spring. Though they've been a little sluggish so far. I reckon they're due for a visit soon. We should get your soliders indoors though, the sight of so many armed strangers will make them nervous."

Jinom orders his men to disperse and rest for a while. The people of Aemon's village happily take the soldiers in. Plying them with warm drinks and hot meals in exchange for help with chores, news about the war with the Gerudo, or for mention of loved ones abroad. A few days pass and a few inches of snow fall, but the day after the snow ends, a large dark shape descends from the mountains. Squinting against the glare off of the fresh snow, Aemon declares that the descending Rito is a...

>Roll me 1d5

1. Hawk
2. Owl
3. Raven
4. Drillbeak
5. Songbird
Rolled 5 (1d5)

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"You’re in luck your majesty it’s a Songbird. They're the friendliest and most talkative of the Rito, but that doesn't mean they aren't cautious around strangers. They usually trade for food, firewood, and building materials for their nests. They also like jewelry and other decorative stuff." Aemon glances back at his house, tugs at his collar, and lowers his voice "They are also the easiest on the eyes. They've got beautiful plumage and their singing is the most wonderful and haunting thing you'll ever hear. That's how they make their living you see. They trade their plumage and songs with the other tribes and with us. If we can make a good enough trade today, you might be able to hear this one sing."

While Aemon was talking the Songbird had flown close enough that Jinom could get a good look. The Rito had mainly dark feathers, but with white streaks on its wings and tail feathers. The throat and chest of the creature shimmered with iridescent colors as it swayed back and forth in the air and the top of its head and spots near the ears were a vibrant turquoise. As the Songbird settled closer to the ground, Jinom noticed the Rito was wearing a sort of fur and leather vest over its chest with large bags hanging down near its thighs bulging with their contents.

When Songbird finally lands, Aemon holds his hand up to stop the prince. "Let me go first your majesty. I'll introduce you and wave you over when it's safe."

Aemon approaches the Songbird and greets it, crossing his arms in front of his chest and giving a bow. The Songbird reciprocates, folding in its wings and bowing in return. The two talk for a bit with Aemon gesturing back at the prince several times. The Songbird shoots a few glances past Aemon, but their meaning is inscrutable. A few more moments pass before Aemon finally waves the prince over.

"Prince Jinom, this is Chari."

"How do you do?" Chari says, bowing as she had to Aemon.

How do you approach this conversation?

>Keep things as light and pleasant as possible. The last thing you want is to make a bad impression.

>Focus on learning as much as you can. The more you know about the Rito the better you'll be able to bargain for their help on the future.

>Be respectful, but direct. You need their help in this war and you must see their leaders as soon as possible.

>[Write In]

Feel free to write in questions, conversation topics in addition to your votes. A good write in or well phrased plea for aid will make it easier for Jinom to get what he wants.
>Focus on learning as much as you can. The more you know about the Rito the better you'll be able to bargain for their help on the future.
>Ask Chari if they've heard recent news of the outside world at all, and her thoughts
>Focus on learning as much as you can. The more you know about the Rito the better you'll be able to bargain for their help on the future.
>Ask Chari if they've heard recent news of the outside world at all, and her thoughts
Hopefully the prince's royal etiquette lessons show through here.

>They are also the easiest on the eyes
Is, uh, Aemon attracted to bird people?
Actually on that tangential point as royalty is there any significant powers that the princes or princesses could marry to get some allies?

>is there any significant powers that the princes or princesses could marry to get some allies?

Yes, but that'll be discussed at the next meeting of the royal family ;)
>Focus on learning as much as you can. The more you know about the Rito the better you'll be able to bargain for their help on the future.
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The soft tone of Chari's voice and the formality of bowing triggers a bone deep reflex in Jinom drilled into him after years of etiquette training by his mother and sisters. He straightens up and returns Chari's bow "I am well, thank you for your concern and thank you for agreeing to speak with me."

"Think nothing of it, it's not every day that one speaks with a Hylian Prince."

"Indeed, I must admit I'm ashamed that this is my first time ever speaking with a member of your tribe, or with any Rito for that matter, so forgive me if I offend, I assure you it is done out of ignorance and without malice if I do so."

"That is understandable, we Rito do not stray very far from our homes in the mountains, so it doesn't surprise me that you haven't met one before. What do you know of the Rito, prince."

Jinom repeats what Aemon had told him and Chari responds with a cooing noise and a nod. "You are better informed than you know prince. Yes, we are rather cautious and wary around strangers. It comes from us not being able to leave our mountain."

"Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?"

Chari chirps and flinches as if she had just been slapped.

"Sorry I didn't mean to insult-"

"It is alright I shouldn't have mentioned it. It's a sensitive subject."

"I understand," Jinom says, then quickly changing the subject before a silence can settle, he says "What have you heard about my people."



Chari relaxes slightly and emits a softer chirp. "Only what we've experienced from trading with your people. You are diverse of opinion, profession, and temperament. Although on the whole we find you inquisitive, adaptable, and determined. When you want something, or encounter a problem you attack it relentlessly and whether through brute strength, or guile you solve the problem and get what you want. It makes you intimidating."

"I apologize if we seem that way."

"It has had its benefits for my people." Chari says cooing "If we desire something we can always count on one of your people to get it."

"I'm glad that we could be of service. We certainly do take good care of our friends and business partners. Besides us do you have any other dealings with the outside world."

"Sadly no, we only deal with those who come to this mountain." Chari with a low croon.

"So, you haven't heard much about the current goings on?"

"No, is there something we should know?"

Jinom describes the Gerudo attack, death of his father and brothers, his remaining family's flight from the castle, and their current struggle against the Gerudo.

"You have my sympathy," Chari warbles mournfully "To lose one's home and family. It must be painful for you."

"I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt, but I cannot afford to wallow in sadness and let my father's kingdom fall." Sensing his moment Jinom finally broaches the reason he came. "I've been traveling since then. Looking for aid for my people. That's part of the reason I came here. The Rito have been good to us and I was wondering if they would be willing to aid us in this time of need?"

> Base DC 50
> Jinom’s Wisdom +30 DC
> Song Bird Affability/Royal Etiquette +15 DC
> Tactful Approach (Write In Bonus) +10 DC
> Chari’s Wisdom -30 DC
> Total DC 75

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = Chari offers little more than her sympathy and a song, she is concerned about you dragging the Rito into a war.
1 Passes = You are offered Chari’s goods at a discount and she will spread sympathy for your cause, but can do no more than that.
2 Passes = Chari is willing to let you plead your case before the Chief of the Songbird, A chance no Hylian has had so far.
3 Passes = You have won over Chari completely she is willing to bring you to her tribe and will give you all the support she can as you plead your case.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

C'mon Jinom, smooth talk that birdie! The war may depend on it!
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 87 (1d100)

We can work with this.
Who knows maybe we can fear monger and say that the Gerudo will be greedy enough to strike at the Rito mountains eventually for resources, though I don't really know if the birds have any resources that the Gerudo would want.
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"I can give you a deal on my goods, but I don’t think it would provide your kingdom much aid." Chari says.

"Thank you for the offer, but you're right. The needs of my kingdom are far greater than what you can provide. No, I would need the help of all Rito. All the tribes and whatever they can provide."

Chari's talons claw the snow and she readjusts the feathers on shoulder with her beak. She makes a few small clicking noises before finally speaking "I can't speak for the other Rito, or even for my tribe, but I..." She pauses for moment, gathering her courage "I can let you speak with our chief. Maybe you and him can figure something out?"

"Thank you, Chari. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I will gather who and what I need then you can lead me to your village."

Chari shakes her head. "You cannot reach my village on foot. I will have to fly you there."

Aemon gasps "Is that possible? Would you even be able to fly carrying that much weight?"

"I am not so weak winged, but if you could Aemon, hold on to my bags until I get back."

"Certainly." Aemon says as he helps Chari unhook her bundles, then throws them over his shoulder.

"And if you could leave behind any unnecessary items Prince Jinom, it would make the journey easier."

The prince nods and begins shedding his weapons and armor, leaving on only that which will keep him warm, and a dagger, well-hidden deep within his clothes.

"Ready?" Chari asks as Jinom returns. “Ready,” The prince nods and Chari extends her wings. She flaps them once and leaps into the air. She hangs there a moment, her wings flapping steadily, then she reaches out, wraps her talons around Jinom’s upper arms, and takes them both up into the air with a rapid series of flaps.

Chari takes the prince high up into the mountains, passing over several lower peaks and valleys. Her wings work hard to keep them both aloft and gaining height, so it's a good thing the weather is calm today, there is no way Chari could have made this trip in bad weather. After climbing for a while longer, and making a brief stop on a flat peak to allow Chari to rest, the two descend into a canyon between two peaks. The walls of the canyon are cluttered with structures made of cut wood, cloth, sticks, straw, and branches. Shapes dart between the structures and the sound of music and singing echoes up and down canyon. As Chari flies closer Jinom can see that the structures are decorated in a rainbow of colors using paint, colored cloth, and feathers. With one final effort, Chari beats her wings hard and guides them to a particularly large structure jutting out of the canyon wall.

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The moment Jinom’s feet land on the wood, Chari gives out, collapsing onto the platform in a pile of feathers. Jinom checks on the exhausted Rito, and eventually helps her back to her feet. Supporting some of her weight, the prince guides her towards a large bonfire burning on the platform. After a few minutes warming themselves by the fire Chari is recovered enough to speak without gasping for air. "Our Chief lives in the house over there." She says jabbing her beak in the direction of a hut covered in a multicolored veil of feathers. "He's probably wondering what in the world is going on-"

"Indeed I am." A voice says from behind. Jinom spins around to find a large Rito Songbird standing there with its wings folded in and puffing out its snow-white chest. It is almost twice the size of Chari and more colorful to boot. Its throat is an iridescent green, with a bright yellow head. The body is brown with lighter spots patterning its surface. The tail feathers are long and thin like hair and are a light yellow, almost blonde color. When the Chief speaks his voice is soft like Chari's, but deeper and with a singsong quality. "Chari what have you brought to our village?" He asks.

Chari furtively shuffles forward and bows low before the Chief. "I have brought a prince of the Hylian people, Jinom. He wishes to ask for aid for his people."

The Chief's head turns to look down at Jinom, and at that moment the prince realizes that the singing and music he had been hearing had stopped. A ring of Rito had formed around him and the Chief and he finally knew what a worm brought back to a nest felt like. Stepping forward Jinom opens his mouth to speak.

> Plead for aid for your people. Food, clothes, scouts. Even just a safe haven from the Gerudo or support in convincing the other Rito would help.

> Focus on warning them away from the Gerudo. Talk up the threat and the danger it poses to them all.

> Improve relations with the Songbirds. Speak not of what they can do for you, but what you can do for them. You wish to better the understanding between your peoples, and in the process secure their friendship.

>[Write In]

Like before, good write ins with your vote will improve your odds of success (Even if your particular vote doesn't win.) This is it anons, remember everything you’ve learned about the Rito, and make your case.
> Improve relations with the Songbirds. Speak not of what they can do for you, but what you can do for them. You wish to better the understanding between your peoples, and in the process secure their friendship.
> Plead for aid for your people. Food, clothes, scouts. Even just a safe haven from the Gerudo or support in convincing the other Rito would help.
Maybe some sort of combination of these two would help.
>Improve relations with the Songbirds. Speak not of what they can do for you, but what you can do for them. You wish to better the understanding between your peoples, and in the process secure their friendship.
>> Improve relations with the Songbirds. Speak not of what they can do for you, but what you can do for them. You wish to better the understanding between your peoples, and in the process secure their friendship.
> Plead for aid for your people. Food, clothes, scouts. Even just a safe haven from the Gerudo or support in convincing the other Rito would help.
> Focus on warning them away from the Gerudo. Talk up the threat and the danger it poses to them all.
Royal etiquette hopefully shines through again.

Perhaps Jinom can argue that Gerudo's killing of the royal family during a diplomatic meeting violates the common good/tradition. I don't know how highly held hospitality is with these birds, but they're isolationists. Hence, the murder of people who they're friendly with under hospitality might appall them.

It might also help Jinom to angle himself as a dutiful prince seeking the safety of his people, traveling far and wide despite great personal danger to seek the best for his people. Really stressing not involving the Rito as active combatants but as people who could provide housing and supplies for Hyrulians, who will be very grateful.

Does Jinom have the same strong combat stances that the Eldest prince had against Ganon?
I think I'll switch my vote to support >>5987134
And the ideas behind it.
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"Greetings Chief of the Songbird, I am Prince Jinom of Hyrule." He says using the formal bow Chari had before. "It is a great honor to meet you."

The Chief stares at Jinom scrutinizing him for a moment before bowing. "It is a surprise and an honor to meet you as well Prince Jinom. I am Motali Chief of the Songbird. Tell me Prince of Hyrule, what winds blow you here so strongly, that one of my people would carry you to our home?" He says shooting a disapproving look towards Chari.

"Forgive me if I have been rude Chief Motali, I came to you in great haste for my kingdom and my people are suffering greatly and we are in dire need of assistance." Jinom says bowing even lower than before. "We were betrayed you see. A people to our south, the Gerudo, had been in conflict with us for many years. In an effort to ease this conflict and create peace, my father invited to our home. They came, under a flag of peace and friendship, only to strangle us with it. They killed my father and brothers in front my mother and sisters." The prince says his voice cracking with emotion. Several of the nearby Rito react with visible shock. "They chased my remaining family from our home, and now they seek to conquer our lands and subjugate our people."

Motali remains still. His eyes continuing to appraise the prince evaluating his every word and gesture.

"I have been aboard since that day, risking much, trying to get help for my people. That is why I have come to you, to request your aid."

Motali locks eyes with Jinom his stare boring into him. "And what aid would you ask of me and my people."

"I cannot ask you to fight or risks you lives for ours. All that I ask is that you assist any refugees that come here. Shelter them and keep them safe should they enter your lands. Do that and you will have the gratitude of me and my people."

> Base DC 50
> Jinom’s Wisdom +30 DC
> Songbird Affability/Royal Etiquette +15 DC
> Impassioned Plea/Reasonable request (Write In Bonus) +20 DC
> Songbird Chief’s Wisdom -35 DC
> Rito Isolationist Tendency -20 DC
> Total DC 60

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = The Chief dismisses your diplomacy attempts and denies you aid. He will also seek to distance the Rito from the Hylians, for fear of being dragged into the war.
1 Passes = Your words are received, but no promises are made. The Chief of the Songbird will require some guarantees as well as additional support before he is willing to help.
2 Passes = The Songbird are willing to help, they will increase trade and do what they can to support Hylian refugees.
3 Passes = You’ve gained a vocal supporter in the Songbird. They will help how they can and try to convince the other tribes to aid your cause.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 53 (1d100)

Write-in bonus saved our asses!

If these Rito have no hands, how did they build their structures? Do they have magic for that? Could be helpful.
Just a heads up for you guys. I'm going to be very busy *drunk* today and tomorrow so the next update will have to come Monday. Nice rolls on convincing the Songbird.
The Eldest Prince and Jinom have similar combat skills with Rohm the Eldest Prince having better stats. As for if Jinom could take Gannondorf, The King of the Gerudo has learned since last time and will be a more formidable opponent should you encounter him again
Have a blast, QM!
I loved the killing of all this Bokoblins. Jinom is growing in a stronger warrior and commander, i hope we can get him more knights. Its fun to play the royals while our guy trains
How did Sir Nagos enter in the Prince service ? Was he chosen for his retinue ?
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Motali shifts his gaze from the prince, to Chari, and then over the gathered Songbird before finally meeting Jinom’s eyes again. "A great injustice has been done to you and your people, Prince Jinom. I speak for the Songbird when I say you have our deepest sympathies, but you shall have more than just kind words and empty platitudes. You will have the Songbird as your friend and ally!" He shouts, spreading his wings and gesturing to his assembled people. "We will help any Hylian who comes to our mountain seeking aid or refuge and we will spread word of your fight against the injustice done to you among the other tribes. All will hear of your righteous struggle for justice."

Several Rito bystanders squawk their approval, while others begin to sing or chatter amongst themselves. Motali gives Jinom a nod, directing him to meet him in his hut.

"Thank you for your help Chief Motali." Jinom says as Motali ushers him inside and closes the multicolored feather curtain behind them.

Much more talkative now, the chieftain of the Songbird let's out a sound Jinom can only interpret as a chuckle and says "You're welcome, although I must admit I have my own reasons for helping you."

Jinom recoils slightly in surprise. "That's not to say I would have helped you regardless," Motali adds quickly "I needed to make sure that you were a good choice for an ally and your offer certainly showed that."

"Asking you to take in our refugees makes us a good ally?" Jinom says scrutinizing the Rito chief more closely.

"Yes, it does, at least for what I want. I needed an ally who wasn't too demanding, whose cause was just, and who is convincing enough to make friends of my people."

"And what did you need this ally for?"

Motali leans in close to the prince and says in a serious and low tone "To get us off of this damn mountain." The chief's eyes do a quick scan of the room before he continues "My people have been caged on this mountain for generations, waiting for so-" He stops himself the resumes in an even quieter voice. "Waiting for a day that will never come. I long for a time when all Rito can fly the skies freely to wherever they wish, to live where and how they wish."

"This is the second time I've heard of this secret that keeps the Rito bound to this mountain. What is it? I'm willing to help you Chief Motali but I need to know what this secret is." Jinom whispers, growing annoyed.


The Chief clacks his beak a few times, then shakes his head. "I want to tell you Prince Jinom, I truly do, but I will already be in trouble with the other tribes for helping you. If they found out I told you our greatest secret, they'd kill me and you, so for both of our sakes I cannot tell you." Motali straightens up and returns to a more conversational tone "If you truly wish to know though, you could talk with the Owl tribe. They know the whole truth of the matter and would be more at liberty to tell you than I. If I give you my blessing, they would most certainly speak with you, but I doubt they would divulge our secrets after a single conversation. No, if you wish to learn the secret and gain the support of the other tribes at the same time you will need to prove your value to us."

"What would be the best way to do that?"

Motali coos and extends a wing, gesturing to a large blanket on the floor in one corner of the hut strewn with trinkets and other baubles of Hylian make. "Gifts, and trade. Bring our people food, trinkets, tools, jewelry, books, and tales of far-off lands show them the benefits of your friendship and stoke their wanderlust. Do that, and you and I will have an easier time getting what we want." Motali leads the prince back towards the door and gives him what looks like one of the Chief's own feathers with a string of multicolored beads attached to it. "This is my blessing and a symbol of our friendship show it to a Songbird and they will take you anywhere on this mountain. Show it to another Rito and ask politely, and they will probably take you where you wish."

"Thank you Chief Motali, for telling me all this and for placing your trust in me."

The Chief bows and parts the curtain for you to step outside.

What will Jinom do now?

>Visit one of the other Rito tribes and see if he can rally more support.

>Resume his diplomatic trip to the other races.

>[Write In]
>Visit one of the other Rito tribes and see if he can rally more support.
I'm curious, but at the same time I don't want us to mess up a good thing we have going with the Rito.
>Visit one of the other Rito tribes and see if he can rally more support.
>Visit one of the other Rito tribes and see if he can rally more support.


Looks like we're continuing on with the Rito. Who are you visiting?

>The Hawk Tribe
>The Owl Tribe
>The Raven Tribe
>The Drillbeaks
>The Owl Tribe
Going to wait for a few more votes on this one. In the mean time.

Sir Nagos was serving at the southern border fort when Jinom was sent there to reinforce it and to welcome Gannondorf's peace party. He served Jinom well there and was indispensable during the fort's fall and the subsequent retreat. Since then he hasn't left the prince's side. So, while he was not officially chosen to serve in Jinom's retinue. He has definitely earned his place there.
>The Owl Tribe
We should learn about this mystery-curse or whatever is keeping the Rito bound here, if we want to truly earn their favour en masse by becoming their liberators.
>>The Owl Tribe
Lets see

>>The Hawk Tribe
After some consideration I think I'll vote for this one, since hawks sound like fighters.
>>The Raven Tribe
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The song and chatter of the village greets Jinom’s ears as he steps back outside. Chari, who had been standing by the large bonfire outside the Chief's hut, approaches with a bounce in her step. "Ready to go back prince?"

"Not yet, I wish to visit the Owl tribe."

Chari cocks her head and makes a low gurgling noise, but then perks up "I can't take you there too far of a trip on my tired wings, but I know someone who'd be perfect." Chari leads the prince to an area that looks and smells like a market of some sort, with food and other merchants attempting to sell their wares. "You're in luck that he's here today and that I spotted him on our way in." Chari parts the curtains of a hut and strides in, Jinom close behind. The inside of the hut is divided into a couple sections. Fabrics of all types and colors in one area, Fur, and hides of every size and shape in the next, then vellum, parchment, and paper. "Kaparik are you in there?" Chari calls into the piles and racks of parchment. A large shape looms up over the stacks and a pair of large yellow eyes swivel to gaze over at Jinom and Chari. There is a sonorous *hoot*hoot* and the Owl lumbers over, his eyes and head locked onto them. Maintaining a chipper tone Chari introduces Jinom. "Kaparik, this is Prince Jinom of the Kingdom of Hyrule."

Kaparik hoots again then says "A pleasure to meet you Prince Jinom, third of your name, and forth in line to the throne correct." In a low deep and hollow sounding voice.

Caught off guard by Kaparik's introduction, Jinom dumbfoundedly nods his head "Yes, I am, how did you know?"

"I've been brushing up on the Royal Lineages of Hyrule recently." He answers matter of factly. "I must say your ancestor Queen Wolmoma is a fascinating woman. Did she really drown all of her suitors? Or burn down those churches. Did she kill all those people just to bath in their blood?" He asks stepping closer to the prince with each question until his large head and eyes fill Jinom’s vision.

"I have an archivist that would love to have a talk with you." Jinom says taking a step back from the Owl and his questions about Wolmoma the Mad.

Chari chirps loudly and comes to the prince's rescue. "Actually, Kaparik the prince has a request."

Jinom clears his throat and regains his composure "Yes, I need passage to your tribe and I was wondering if you would take me there."


Kaparik rotates his head side to side, sizing Jinom up "Sure, I can take you. As long as you don't mind answering a few questions along the way." He says using his beak to stuff a few rolls of blank parchment into a bag slung from a harness across his chest. With no better option Jinom agrees and after thanking Chari for her help, he is whisked away into the sky once again. The flight this time is much less bumpy. Kaparik is far larger than Chari was and his strong, steady, and surprisingly quiet wing beats carry the two quickly through the air. The journey is not entirely pleasant though as Jinom is forced to field sometimes frankly insulting questions about his heritage and his ancestor Wolmoma the Mad. It is a relief when they finally arrive at the Owl tribe’s village on snow covered plateau, buttressed up against a much taller peak.

Kaparik sets down next to a huge hut near the heart of the village. He hoots quietly and gestures toward the large hut "If you want help from us, talk to the elders. They make the decisions here." Kaparik's tone is entirely different now, once excited and inquisitive, he is now withdrawn, almost ashamed. "I saw what you did with the Songbird, I don't think the same approach will work with the elders. Sorry I have to go." He says abruptly and gallops/hops through the snow further into the village, leaving Jinom alone. The feeling of being a worm in a nest creeps back up Jinom’s spine as he walks towards the large hut. Similar to Motali's hut the Owl building is covered in a curtain feathers, only these feathers are brown, grey, black and white Owl feathers. At the door, just before his fingers can part the curtain, an Owl steps out from behind it and blocks his path. This Owl, bears a mask of metal over its face and its legs and talons are armored similarly. It hoots loudly and says "Who are you, and why have you come here Hylian."

"I am Prince Jinom of Hyrule and I have come seeking aid for my people."

"You will find no aid here prince. Return to your people." The Owl says dismissively.

"Please. I apologize if my arrival or behavior seem rude, it is only because I am anxious to find help for my people." Jinom pulls out Motali's favor from inside his coat. "I have spoken with Chief Motali and he has given me his blessing, please I only wish to speak with your elders."

The guard Owl stares at Motali's blessing, but shows no reaction. Then a hoot comes from inside the hut. The guard blinks then steps aside. "The elders will see you." He says simply and allows the prince to pass.

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The inside of the hut is dim. Lit only by the embers of a smoldering fire in the center. At the edge of the fire light, Jinom can see the shapes of Owls nestled down on large rugs in a semi-circle around the room. He steps carefully forward towards the fire until a voice bids him to stop.

"Prince Jinom of Hyrule, you have come far seeking aid for your people. Tell us, is the support of Chief Motali and the Songbird not enough for you? Must you drag all of the Rito into your war?"

The speaker’s tone is accusatory, anger bubbling beneath the words. The prince will have to speak carefully here. The air is far less pleasant than it was in the Songbird village.

> Keep your request simple as with the Songbird and ask only for aid in sheltering the refugees

> Refrain from asking for help and merely try to reach an understanding with the Owls so that they won't interfere.

> You came here to find out what the secret holding the Rito here is and so you shall ask about it and seek to resolve it to free up the Rito in helping you.

>[Write In]

Same as with the Songbird anons, write ins will aid your rolls, so formulate your response carefully.
> You came here to find out what the secret holding the Rito here is and so you shall ask about it and seek to resolve it to free up the Rito in helping you.
Go big or go home (in shame)!
>You came here to find out what the secret holding the Rito here is and so you shall ask about it and seek to resolve it to free up the Rito in helping you.
>You came here to find out what the secret holding the Rito here is, so you shall ask about it and seek to resolve it to free up the Rito to help you.
Mind your manners, Jinom.

Maybe Jinom can point out/exaggerate that the songbird chieftain has directed him to the owls and that even among a leader of the Rito, a disquiet is noticeable. An appeal to deal with an issue early with someone who has a friendly interest is needed because eventually, if the Gerudo succeeds, they'll come and be far more determinedly devious and leverage the wanderlust to their benefit.

Thinking about it, there could be a potential parallel between their situation and the Gerudo's with land and being stuck on it, which eventually led to violence. It doesn't feel prudent to mention it, though.

Jinom could also just blatantly gift/tell/offer up any secret archives that the royal family knows about or has access to; some secrets and knowledge cannot be found on a mountain. Spin a yarn about the royal archives or something.

>This Owl, bears a mask of metal over its face and its legs and talons are armored similarly.
This reminds me of a book/movie I read when I was younger, but I can't remember its name right now.
> Refrain from asking for help and merely try to reach an understanding with the Owls so that they won't interfere.
Should be Guardians of Ga'Hoole or similar, I'm pretty sure. I mostly remember the DS game I played a bunch when I was younger.
>Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Exactly what I was thinking of. I didn't know it had a DS game, most of my memory of it was the movie and the bird armor. Don't remember the story at all.
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“I did not drag the Songbird into any conflict. They are helping me out of kindness and a desire to see wrongs righted. They aren’t fighting, they’re merely helping any refugees who come here to find safety.” Jinom steps further into the light of the fire and lowers his voice some. “But I know many of them wish to do more. They can’t however, due to some big secret you all insist on hiding. No Rito can leave this mountain for reasons I can’t figure out, but even in my brief time here, I have seen many chafe against that restriction. The Rito, a vibrant, varied, and resilient people have been caged, but I would see them freed. If I could only be allowed to see the chains that bind them.” Many of the Owls shift uncomfortably and some begin to visibly bristle at Jinom’s words. “I know that this secret is precious to you and that revealing it to stranger is an incredible risk. I won’t ask you to take such a risk for someone you don’t know. That is why I offer you the secret knowledge of the Hylian Royal family. I am willing to offer you dangerous and possibly damaging knowledge my family has kept hidden, if you will only trust me and allow me to help you.”

> Base DC 30 (Reveal of Important Secret)
> Jinom’s Wisdom +30 DC
> Motali's Blessing/Royal Etiquette +10 DC
> Earnest Offer of Help/ Exchange of Secrets (Write In Bonus) +20 DC
> Owl Elder Council's Wisdom -40 DC
> Rito Isolationist Tendency -20 DC
> Total DC 30

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = The Owl Elder Council is offended by your prying and casts you out. They will seek hinder your future attempts at diplomacy with the other Rito for fear of their secrets getting out.
1 Passes = You are refused knowledge of the Rito’s secret, but asking doesn’t offend them enough to cause major tensions.
2 Passes = The Owl Elders begrudgingly tell you of the secret binding the Rito to the mountain.
3 Passes = The Owl Council is split and a spirit of great longing is ignited in many of them. You will be told of the secret and gain some vocal support in freeing the Rito.

Good Luck, you will need it.
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Rolled 36 (1d100)

Though this dice system reminds me of the roll under of Sworn to Valour I can't help but wish at times like that quest there were items to give rerolls, though this does have the added benefit of making the situations feel all the more high stakes
Rolled 90 (1d100)


Well so much for that

I have considered, giving out items or abilities that would allow for a re-roll, they would be very rare though and as it stands the prince has only just started so he hasn't really had time to acquire such powerful artefacts or abilities. There's also the fact the Jinom is pushing for a big ask from an insular people his odds of success weren't very high from the start.
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The Owl Elders mutter menacingly until the one who had spoken to the prince initially shuffles into the fire light.

"You don't know of what you speak Hylian. That secret is our duty, not some curse and our ancestors and every Rito has chosen to bear it. If some chafe against that duty, then they have forgotten what it is to be Rito. We do not need your help and we don't need you prying into matters you don't understand, so that you can draw more of our people into your war. Begone from our village and do not meddle in the affairs of the Rito!" The Owl ends with a shout, the silent stares of the other Rito backing his words.

Jinom wishes to say more but the armored Owl Guard ushers him outside and out of the village. Kaparik is brought out soon after and is ordered to "Take away the spy you brought."

Kaparik ashamedly shuffles over the prince and quietly asks where he wishes to go. Jinom is tempted to continue his tour of the Rito tribes, but after this encounter, Motali's advice to bide your time and come back with gifts makes him think twice. There is still some time before he must return and report to his family the results of this trip. If he hurries, he could still visit one of the other neighboring peoples.

Who will you visit now?

>The Hawk Tribe
>The Raven Tribe
>The Drillbeaks
>The Ocean Zora
>The River Zora
>>The Hawk Tribe
>The Raven Tribe
Ravens and owls IRL don't get along, right? They may be our best bet.
>>The River Zora
I change my mid to the river Zora
>The River Zora
Let's not get into any more trouble with the Rito...


Got back a little late today, sorry guys but I'll have to push this update back until tomorrow. Locking it in now though, that we are heading to the River Zora.
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Jinom asks Kaparik to return him to his people at the base of the mountain. The trip is silent this time, the only noise made the wind blowing in Jinom’s hears. When they touch down in Aemon's village. Jinom thanks Kaparik and apologizes for the trouble he's caused him. "It's alright, I don't spend much time in the village anyway and when I am there, I just stick to my books." He says readjusting his wings in the Owl equivalent of a shrug. Jinom and Kaparik finish their goodbyes and the Owl departs silently into the evening sky.

The following morning the prince and his retinue depart for the source of all rivers in Hyrule and the home of the River Zora. The trip is uneventful, and as spring transitions to summer the rains let up and the roads solidify making the journey a swift one. The Zora's domain is nestled into a set of old mountains, well worn by the winds, rain, and time into what are now very large hills. The natural springs and rains coming in off of the western sea have dotted the landscape with ponds, lakes, and springs all interconnected via a series of streams and rivers that carve through the area, and eventually flow out into the rest of Hyrule.

Taking the main road, the prince approaches the land of the Zora alongside one of Hyrule's major rivers and eventually runs into the first of the Zora's large gate-locks. Massive stone structures that control the flow of water, goods, and people in to and out of Zora lands. Partially paid for by Hylian tribute money and river crossing taxes. Jinom and his men are halted before the landward gate side and asked their business by the tall, silvery scaled Zora gate guards. A brief explanation of their diplomatic mission is enough for the Zora guards to let the prince through and escort him to the Zora Capitol. There is little chatter along the way as, despite the cooling tensions, there is still much bad blood between the Zora and Hylians. Many in the prince's retinue keep their hands gripped tightly around their swords and the Zoras keep their webbed fingers wrapped around their spears and tridents.


Jinom and his men dismount at the long and beautifully constructed bridge that leads across the massive lake, upon which the Zora Capitol sits. As they prepare to cross Jinom notices another set of horses already stabled there. He immediately recognizes the saddles and tack as Gerudo. He asks one of the Zora guards when the Gerudo had arrived here. The guard responds with a shrug saying that another group had come through earlier in the day. Worried now about what their current and former enemies were discussing, Jinom rushes ahead as quickly as the Zora guards will allow, his mind racing with horrible possible outcomes of this meeting. The Zora King's throne room is open to the sky, built of polished stone and opulently decorated with silver metal and precious gem stones. That is not what catches the prince's eye as he is let in though. His gaze is fixed upon the Gerudo woman in fine silks bowing respectfully to the Zora King upon his fountain throne. Jinom tries to approach, but is halted by an older looking Zora with long drooping catfish whiskers. "Hold there young Hylian, the King is currently meeting with another at the moment. What is your name and purpose here?"

> "I am a Prince of Hyrule and I don't have time to wait on formalities" Jinom will push through and interrupt. Hopefully halting, or discovering whatever it is the Gerudo are planning.

> "I'm Prince Jinom of Hyrule and I have an urgent matter to discuss with King Efanas." The prince will pressure the Zora into letting him pass or to at least announce his presence.

> "I am Prince Jinom the third son of the late King Rham. I have come to speak with King Efanas of the Zora." Keep calm, and stay polite, rashness is the last thing needed right now and maybe this Zora can tell you what is going on if you remain diplomatic.
> "I'm Prince Jinom of Hyrule and I have an urgent matter to discuss with King Efanas." The prince will pressure the Zora into letting him pass or to at least announce his presence.
Uh oh.
> "I'm Prince Jinom of Hyrule and I have an urgent matter to discuss with King Efanas." The prince will pressure the Zora into letting him pass or to at least announce his presence.

> "I'm Prince Jinom of Hyrule and I have an urgent matter to discuss with King Efanas." The prince will pressure the Zora into letting him pass or to at least announce his presence.
>"I am Prince Jinom the third son of the late King Rham. I have come to speak with King Efanas of the Zora." Keep calm, and stay polite, rashness is the last thing needed right now and maybe this Zora can tell you what is going on if you remain diplomatic.
> "I am Prince Jinom the third son of the late King Rham. I have come to speak with King Efanas of the Zora." Keep calm, and stay polite, rashness is the last thing needed right now and maybe this Zora can tell you what is going on if you remain diplomatic.
> "I'm Prince Jinom of Hyrule and I have an urgent matter to discuss with King Efanas." The prince will pressure the Zora into letting him pass or to at least announce his presence.
>> "I am Prince Jinom the third son of the late King Rham. I have come to speak with King Efanas of the Zora." Keep calm, and stay polite, rashness is the last thing needed right now and maybe this Zora can tell you what is going on if you remain diplomatic.

Bad Bad, i am not sure we can even place the same amount on the proverbial plate. The Gerudo are probably giving something on it. Like : guaranteed trade, neutrality and a slice of Hyrule if they provide some help.

Jinom should be able to use the "Gerudo walk in peace in the capital, then murder royals and begin an invasion" which is quite the negative no matter how the Gerudo picture it. They will probably use a lot that between Hylians and River Zoras things are bad.
Well, the worst we promise full on war with them if they go in our lands. And we repeat what happens to us lol
> "I am Prince Jinom the third son of the late King Rham. I have come to speak with King Efanas of the Zora." Keep calm, and stay polite, rashness is the last thing needed right now and maybe this Zora can tell you what is going on if you remain diplomatic.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Looks like we have a tie


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"I'm Prince Jinom of Hyrule and I have an urgent matter to discuss with King Efanas."

The old Zora bows perfunctorily "Well met Prince Jinom of the Hylians. I am Minister Totin, what business do you wish to bring to our king's attention?"

"I wish to discuss my people's conflict with the Gerudo and ask for King Efanas's help or at least his neutrality in the conflict."

"Very good, wait here a moment." Totin says before setting off at a leisurely pace into throne room. After what feels like an eternity the minister comes up behind the throne and whispers into the king's ear. The two exchange a short series of whispers, then the minister returns at a quicker pace than he arrived. "The king will see you now Prince Jinom."

Minister Totin leads Jinom forward and announces his presence to the king. "Prince Jinom of the Hylians." King Efanas, a large Zora at least twice the size of the guards who had escorted Jinom here, observes the prince impassively. His face betrays nothing and neither does his body as he sits formally attentive on this throne. The Gerudo woman stands relaxed to the side of the room now, the barest hint of a smile on her lips as the prince prepares to make his petition. Standing so close now, Jinom notices that lower on the fountain throne, around the king's feet are seated three other Zora who, judging by their finery and silver circlets, are Efanas children.

The one seated to the king's right makes no attempt to hide his scorn as he stares Jinom down on his approach to the throne. While the first one on the king's left seems more interested in the contents of his goblet than the matter at hand. Further left, the female Zora sits attentively. Her expression one of affable curiosity as she watches the proceedings before her.

"King Efanas." Jinom begins, bowing low before the Zora. "I have come to you in a time of great turmoil for my people. In this trying time, I ask-"

"Enough of the groveling Hylian." The scornful Zora interrupts. "You're late with our tribute and I don't see any carts laiden with gold and silver behind you. So, explain quickly why we shouldn't just take the deal so generously offered by the Gerudo and be done with you."


Jinom bristles at the rudeness of the Zora, but manages to bite his tongue. Efanas glares down at the younger Zora with a withering look. "I apologize for my son's rudeness." The king says turning back to Jinom. "But Chidan speaks truthfully. Your tribute is late, but given your current circumstances that can be forgiven. Rham was a good king, wise and sensible, it saddens me to have heard of his passing, but we must look to the future." He says glancing towards the Gerudo. "Ambassador Isha has brought a most interesting proposal before us. She is promising a deal that far exceeds the current one between us and your people. A larger tribute, increases in trade, the digging of canals for easier movement of my people, and even territorial concessions. All that for a simple request to remain neutral, to not sell arms or allow the armies of either side access to our lands. It is a very generous offer and one that doesn't endanger my people. Can you match such a deal young prince?"

Efanas's words are genuine, but that doesn't make them sting any less. The Gerudo deal is generous and would be hard to beat, or even match without endangering the future of the kingdom, but the Zora are unlikely to side with Hyrule unless some concessions are made. Although if all the Gerudo want is neutrality maybe letting them pay their outrageous tribute and siphoning off their money will work to your advantage.

The Deal: (Mix and match additions to the current treaty to improve your odds of the Zora siding with you, or to at least reconsider their deal with the Gerudo.

>Increased river tolls/tariffs +
>Increased tribute +
>Increases in trade +
>Construction of canals +
>Territorial Concessions +
>Zora Neutrality
>Zora embargo of Gerudo -
>Movement of troops through Zora land -
>[Write In]

>Allow the Gerudo to have their deal you can't match their offer.

The Pitch: (Write In any arguments you believe would sway the Zora in this negotiation)

>[Write In]
>Construction of canals +
>Increases in trade +
>Increases in trade +
>Zora Neutrality
>Movement of troops through Zora land -

Although the Gerudo are not without honor, please remember that their king killed my father the moment that he refused Gannondorf's request and that with some exceptions Hyrule has kept up with the agreements between for decades so you know we're trustworthy."
Killing a king is something that should make all royalty nervous, especially during a diplomatic talk. The past may end up being their future. Especially with the whole issue started being over water and stuff. something something better the devil you know.

Could also point out that the Gerudo cannot know the land as well as the Hyrulians do and loyalty of those living on it are likely to the royal family rather than Gerudo.

It might bear worth mentioning that captain's report about how the Gerudo are looking for magical artifacts.

>Gerudo are not without honor
my guy, they murdered the royal family during diplomatic talks, that is the height of dishonorable.
Except highlight the Gerudo's dishonor and treachery as >>5997667 says.

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"I can match their offers of increased trade, tribute, and the construction of canals. In exchange though I will require that Hylian troops be allowed to move through your lands. I promise that no battles will be fought on your land and that the neutrality of your people will be respected we only wish to move through."

"You offer less than the Gerudo do and then you ask us to open our borders to your soldiers?!" The Zora prince scoffs.

"I do," Jinom answers calmly "For it is a reasonable request and my people have proven our trustworthiness. Over the years our treaty has been in place we have made our payments and kept our word as to its terms, have we not?" Chidan's mouth works, chewing on the words to a retort, but he does not speak, allowing Jinom to continue. "The Gerudo have promised you much, they even offer land that is not theirs to give, but I find their words are suspect. They gave my father their word, coming under a banner of truce to negotiate a peace. When my father refused their deal however, they drew their weapons and slew him. Is that a people that can be trusted?"

> Base DC 50
> Jinom’s Wisdom +30 DC
> Jinom’s Offer +10 DC
> Write In (Good Pitch/Gerudo Untrustworthy) +30 DC
> Gerudo Ambassador Wisdom -35 DC
> Gerudo Offer -20 DC
> Total DC 65

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = You ask for too much, Efanas will take the Gerudo’s deal and will likely favor them in future dealings.
1 Passes = Efanas is hesitant to deal, he asks for a show of fidelity from both sides.
2 Passes = Efanas takes your deal, but the door will remain open for further Gerudo offers..
3 Passes = Your offer is accepted, and the Gerudo will lose standing with the Zora making it harder for them to negotiate in the future.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Oh shit oh fuck oh shiiiii
Rolled 20 (1d100)

Jinom, I’m sorry to say, but you might need to sleep with the fishes literally. I know they don’t have noses but it’s for Hyrule!
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A sacrifice I'm willing to make on his behalf. Though with rolls like this, we may not need to...
Rolled 93 (1d100)

fish.....Their prince is dangerous, i don't think he is aligned with the Gerudo but he certainly wants the tributes. We can't give tributes now, but we do have steel instead to use against our foes or the foes of our friends and "friends".
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Efanas nods slowly, "You speak truthfully Prince Jinom and your terms are fair."

"King Efanas," the Gerudo woman steps forward. "Have we not been friendly in our negotiations thus far? Ha-"

"You have, Ambassador Sumbian," the king interrupts "but just because you are friendly does not mean I find you worthy of trust at the moment. I have had many dealings with the Hylians and despite periods of conflict. They have remained true to their word. Give it some time, show integrity in your dealings, and one day you may enjoy the benefits of our trust as the Hylians do."

"I understand, I hope that we may soon prove worthy of your trust." The Gerudo bows and leaves the throne room. Leaving Jinom and Efanas to iron out the finer points and exact language of the new treaty. The final terms are as fair as the prince can expect. Canal building projects can wait until the war with the Gerudo is settled, but the increases in trade and new, fifty percent larger, tribute are expected to begin by the start of the new year. As for the movement of troops, all Hylian soldiers must disarm and have an escort of Zora while in Zora lands. A reasonable precaution seeing as the Zora do wish to maintain as much neutrality as possible. With the final terms signed by both parties the prince is free to return to his mother and brother and deliver the results of his spring negotiations. Although some time could be spared to meet the other Zora royalty and get a better feel for them. There is also the Gerudo Ambassador, Sumbian. This neutral meeting place might be the best chance to figure out what the Gerudo are after, or what they are planning to do next.

>The Gerudo Ambassador is departing swiftly. You will have race to catch her before she is gone.
>The elder Zora prince, Chidan. He was aggressive during the negotiations, but perhaps he will be cooler during a personal meeting.
>The young Zora prince seemed disinterest in the proceedings and had an air of indolence about him, perhaps he might let slip something worth hearing if you talk with him.
>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>Head back to summer estate and report back to your family, they are no doubt eagerly awaiting your return.
Despite what internet porn and memes would have you believe, I don't think Hylians and Zora are biologically compatible.

It is unsurprisingly difficult to find good Zora art that is safe for a blue board.
>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>The elder Zora prince, Chidan. He was aggressive during the negotiations, but perhaps he will be cooler during a personal meeting.
>>The Gerudo Ambassador is departing swiftly. You will have race to catch her before she is gone.
Could we come back and talk to a Zora after we've had a word with the Gerudo? Because the Gerudo's the only option that screams 'do it now or loose it'.
>The Gerudo Ambassador is departing swiftly. You will have race to catch her before she is gone

>Could we come back and talk to a Zora.

Yes, but you may lose out on some of their conversations as well.
>>The young Zora prince seemed disinterest in the proceedings and had an air of indolence about him, perhaps he might let slip something worth hearing if you talk with him.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Time for a tie breaker


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“Ambassador Sumbian, a moment of your time please.” Jinom calls out to the Gerudo woman as she strides toward the horses.

Sumbian stops and looks back towards the prince, her expression stiff and her gaze steely. “What do you want voe?” She challenges sharply.

“I want to know why Sumbian, why did your people assassinate my father, why did you attack? I thought things were starting to calm down between our peoples, that we were reaching an understanding.”

“Then you greatly misunderstand the situation, young voe. There was no understanding, we were running out of options. Our king made one last great attempt at peace and yours spat upon his offer.”

“There could have been a negotiation.” Jinom shoots back feeling his temper rise “Some give and take, why choose murder.”

“We needed what we asked for. Not getting it, was not an option. When your king refused, we had to take action.”

"If you were that desperate why not tell us? Things didn't have to end up like this."

"Tell you, our greatest enemy, that we were at the end of our resources. That if you held on a little longer, you'd finally be rid of us I don't think so."

"You were that close to death?"

"Yes" she hisses and realizing she may have said too much, Sumbian resumes her walk to her horse.

The Gerudo have staked everything on this attack it seems, although Jinom didn’t remember seeing any children, or the elderly with the Gerudo attack, perhaps they were left behind, or are simply waiting for the all clear to come and join the rest of their people. Either way, with just a little bit of leaked information, much insight was gained.

>Push for more with a little more pressure Sumbian might give up more. (Include the things you wish to know more about with this vote.)
>Attempt to make amends, maybe if you ease tensions some Sumbian would be more willing to talk now, or in the future.
>Leave her go pushing anymore might make things worse.
>Leave her go pushing anymore might make things worse.
I strongly suspect the Gerudo HAVE no children or elderly. As a majority (almost entirely) female race, children must be a tricky proposition much of the time, and their harsh lifestyle and environment leaves little chance that elderly individuals (besides magicians like Twinrova) can often exist.

>Leave her go pushing anymore might make things worse.
>Leave her go pushing anymore might make things worse.
Hmm, if we want to be especially devious, maybe we could deliberately rile the ambassador into attacking Jinom here and now in the fish king’s home.


Looking pretty unanimous so, who do you wish to speak with next

>The young Zora prince seemed disinterest in the proceedings and had an air of indolence about him, perhaps he might let slip something worth hearing if you talk with him.
>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>Head back to summer estate and report back to your family, they are no doubt eagerly awaiting your return.
>>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
Not 'would', but 'WILL'!
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Jinom leaves the Gerudo to her anger and heads off to find the Zora princess. Finding her is not difficult as she is clearly visible watching the prince from the bridge into the throne room. At Jinom’s approach she bows respectfully.

"Princess Zora," Jinom returns her bow. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Yours as well. Thank you for coming to see us. It has been a most fruitful visit."

"Indeed, I must admit, I wasn't sure what to expect from this meeting. It's the first time I've ever met with your people in a formal capacity."

"Oh, and how did you find it?"

"It wasn't all that different from how my people do things. Although your audience hall was rather empty. Usually whenever a royal audience is called, the throne room is packed with courtiers and nobility of every stripe. All there to be entertained by the proceedings or catch up on the latest gossip. This was empty by comparison."

"Quieter too I imagine." The Zora Princess replies, a smile creasing her lips.

"Well not really, your brother was loud enough to make up for it."

The princess sighs. "He can be... over eager. It's he doesn't mean to be rude he just has a lot weighing on him."

"I get that. My older brother was kind of like that too. Being the heir to a kingdom certainly can effect a person."

"It does, but that can't be made into an excuse for bad behavior." She says growing firmer. "Attitudes like his stir up trouble and that isn't what is needed right now with a war on our borders. Father understands that, but he's too protective to realize that he'll strangle what he wants to protect by holding on so tight." The princess vents, her face twisted in frustration. When she looks at Jinom though, she immediately returns to the demure posture she had assumed when they'd first met and the mask of politeness returns to her face.

So, all is not as well with the Zora as Jinom had first assumed. But now the princess is on her guard and such an outburst might require more teasing out than before.

>Tease out more from the princess. She clearly has a lot on her mind and wants to let it out.
>Return to more polite topics. It would be best to build up more rapport than risk angering the princess by seeming like a spy.
>You've used up enough of the princess's time it's time to go.

Include any specific topics you wish to bring up with the princess with your vote. Anything from general Zora questions to more personal ones.
>Return to more polite topics. It would be best to build up more rapport than risk angering the princess by seeming like a spy.

Should probably ask what her name is. Maybe ask if there's anything she can tell Jinom about the ocean zora.
>>Return to more polite topics. It would be best to build up more rapport than risk angering the princess by seeming like a spy.
Sorry guys, been a busy couple of days, going to have to let this update slide. Should be able to give you guys an update tomorrow if all goes well.
>Return to more polite topics. It would be best to build up more rapport than risk angering the princess by seeming like a spy.
We need goodwill more than intel, here.
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"Ah in all this pleasant talk, I have forgotten to ask your name your grace."

The Zora Princess smiles politely again. "I am called Rumela, after grandmother.

"It's a lovely name and it suits you well."

Rumela smiles again, this time more genuinely. The expression sends a strange flutter through Jinom’s heart and he can feel his face reddening. Reacting quickly, he asks another question to mask his momentary disturbance. "Have you ever been to the south your grace, visited your saltwater cousins?"

"A few times, when I was younger. Not so much these days. I haven't spent much time outside these halls in years." She says wistfully "Have you been there recently?"

"No, I plan on going there soon and was wondering if there was anything I should do or see while there."

"Well, there's the markets for one. If it exists and can be bought or sold some trader there is likely to have it. There's also the Coral Gardens. Beautifully shaped and tended avenues of color, but they are underwater so you might not get the same enjoyment out of them that I did."

"You went swimming," Jinom interrupts his curiosity piqued. "I thought your people couldn't live in saltwater?"

Rumela laughs "We aren't that far removed from each other that we can't go for a swim in saltwater and they can't swim in fresh. Although I did get rather dehydrated after a while. Now let's see what else was there?" She ponders for a moment before going on. "Their chefs are also very skilled and they exotic dishes with ingredients you've never heard of before, but if there's one thing you absolutely must do, its listen to one of their musicians play. It might not be suitable for regal halls such as this one, but they put their heart and souls into it and they'll leave you dancing and humming to the tune long after you've departed." She says a longing, wistful tone returning to her voice. She goes on at length telling the prince of her time spent having fun on the beaches and in the water while her father tended to official business.

After what feels like only a short time spent conversing Minister Totin interrupts saying the king requests his daughter's presence. "I must go, but thank you for speaking with me Prince Jinom I much enjoyed the experience."

"And I as well Princess Rumela." The princess grants Jinom another warm and genuine smile before departing. With time running short now, the prince remounts his horse and he and his entourage begin the journey home. As they pass through the gate-locks Jinom can't help but wonder if there'll ever be a Hylian girl as pleasant as Rumela.

>Roll me 1d100

1-25 = Safe Travels
26-55 = The Tail
56-90 = The Raid
91-100 = Daggers in the Dark
Rolled 83 (1d100)

>Jinom can't help but wonder if there'll ever be a Hylian girl as pleasant as Rumela.
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Returning to the summer palace, Jinom and his retinue make excellent time. Summer has finally arrived and the mood among the men has much improved since leaving Zora lands. There is lots chatter, joking, and the occasional marching song sung. Even the increasing heat of the day does little to dampen the men's spirits as they walk through the lengthening daylight hours. Time and distance pass quickly and in just a few days the retinue rapidly approaches its destination, by tomorrow the palace should be in sight. Jinom goes to sleep that night wondering how his mother and brother got on without him and how to explain all that had happened him.

> Base DC 50
> Retinue’s Wisdom +20 DC
> Sheikah Bodyguards +10 DC +1 Re-Roll
> ??? Wisdom -20DC
> Total DC 60

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = Jinom and his men are caught totally off guard. (Start the battle, with *Broken* formation and with no armor bonuses.)
1 Passes = The attack is spotted at the last moment, there is time enough to form up, but not to don armor. (Fight without armor bonuses)
2 Passes = Tipped off in time, the men are armed and ready for the attack.
3 Passes = The paranoia of the Sheikah is well founded, and they have Jinom and his men armed, ready, and lying in wait to surprise your attackers.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 41 (1d100)

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Just as sleep begins to take the prince, his tent flaps part and one of his Sheikah bodyguards enters. Apologizing for intruding the Sheikah warns of strange noises and movement in the dark and that upon further investigation they have found Gerudo fighters lying in wait outside the camp. Jinom's orders are swift and deliberate and a few minutes later his have spread through the camp. As the campfires die down, and a token guard is left to keep up appearances one by one Jinom's remaining men slip away and assemble, lying on their bellies in the dew-soaked grass between the camp and where the Gerudo are positioned. The plan is a simple one and flawlessly executed. As the Gerudo fighters steal towards the camp, they walk right over Jinom’s men. With a sudden shout, the trap is sprung. The Hylians leap up and engage the surprised Gerudo, while the camp lookouts rush forward spilling torchlight over the battlefield.

Your Formation Stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 4 Morale: 64/64 + (Equal Forces - No bonus)


>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)

Momentum: 1
Attack: 1d5+11

>Power: 5 (Base: 4 + Momentum: 1)
>Attack Bonus: 11 ( Power: 5 + Full Counter Wisdom Bonus: 4 +Decent Weapons: 2)

Defense: 1d4+8

> Courage: 4 (Base: 4)
> Defense Bonus: 8 (Courage: 4 + Heavily Armored +4)

Gerudo Raider Formation stats:
Power: 3 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 3 Morale: 36/36


> *BROKEN* Opponent receives Full Wisdom Bonus

Momentum: 0

Attack: 1d3+5

>Power: 3 (Base: 3)
>Attack Bonus: 5 (Power: 3 + Decent Weapons: 2)
Defense: 1d3+5

> Courage: 3 (Base: 3)
> Defense Bonus: 5 (Courage: 3 + Decent: 2)

I'll need:

>1d5+11 for your attack

At the moment, they can't beat your defense, so no need to roll that. Combat will begin tomorrow.
Rolled 4 + 11 (1d5 + 11)

Rolled 3 + 5 (1d3 + 5)


> Gerudo Defense
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Caught off guard, the Gerudo are disorganized, but they put up a good fight. Jinom's opponent blocks his attempt to cleave her in two, but her block is wide, and Jinom slides down her block and slams his shoulder into the taller woman's sternum, winding her. The Gerudo gasps for air but Jinom is already following up his attack with a slash that catches the back-stepping Gerudo in the arm cutting through the leather armor and putting a deep gash into her flesh. The initial shock over, the Gerudo begin to coalesce into a solid formation.

>Gerudo suffer 7 morale damage 29/36 remaining

Pushed back the Hylians surprise attack, they are certainly on the back foot, but a cornered opponent is capable of anything...


>Mass Charge: (Basic Offensive formation no additional effects)
>Armored Charge: All damage not blocked by defense is doubled for both you and the enemy.

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

>Brace: (Basic Defensive formation no additional effects)
> Lock Shields: Suffer no damage from ranged attacks this round unless *Countered*, gain +2 Courage for the purpose of resisting Scare effects.
> Disengage: Any unsaved damage dealt by unit will be halved, if not *Countered* unit will break contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round.
>Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

Can someone explain how the royal family got a secret ninja police force?
>> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)
It's incurable, btw. Jinom's heirs gonna' have that Innsmouth Look.

> Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

As far as most Hylians know, the Sheikah have been in service to the Royal Family since the start, for the true story... you'll just have to wait.


With their surprise attack turned against them and their forces now re-gathered, Jinom believes the Gerudo have only one option. With Sir Nagos nowhere in sight this time, Jinom calls out to Sir Tomim, the youngest member of his retinue of knights. "Tomim, grab who you can and take then around the Gerudo's flank. They're likely to bolt at any moment and I want you to cut off their escape."

"Right your grace, those towering tarts won't know what hit them." He says with his usual zeal before running off pulling away fighters with him as he goes.

With the plan in motion, all that's left to do is keep the pressure on and wait for the Gerudo to make their move.

Your Formation Stats:
Power: 4 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 4Morale: 64/64 + (Equal Forces - No bonus)


>MANEUVER - Split: Roll damage twice, use the greater result (On *Counter* roll enemy defense twice, take the lower result)

Momentum: 1
Attack: 1d5+11

>Power: 5 (Base: 4 + Momentum: 1)
>Attack Bonus: 11 ( Power: 5 + Full Counter Wisdom Bonus: 4 +Decent Weapons: 2)

Defense: 1d4+8

> Courage: 4 (Base: 4)
> Defense Bonus: 8 (Courage: 4 + Heavily Armored +4)

Gerudo Raider Formation stats:
Power: 3 Wisdom: 4 Courage: 3Morale: 29/36


> *COUNTERED* DEFENSIVE -Disengage: Any unsaved damage dealt by unit will be halved, if not *Countered* unit will break contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round.

Momentum: 0

Attack: 1d3+5

>Power: 3 (Base: 3)
>Attack Bonus: 5 (Power: 3 + Decent Weapons: 2)
Defense: 1d3+7

> Courage: 3 (Base: 3)
> Defense Bonus: 7 (Courage: 3 + Decent Armor: 2 + Wisdom Bonus: 2)

>I need two anons to roll me a 1d5+11 for your attack.
Rolled 2 + 11 (1d5 + 11)

Rolled 1 + 11 (1d5 + 11)

Rolled 3, 2 + 7 = 12 (2d3 + 7)


Gerudo Defense


Just as expected, under the pressure from the prince's forces, the Gerudo begin to Disengage. They pull away from Jinom’s force and start to retreat when Tomim's men cut them off bring down those over eager Gerudo who broke formation in their attempt to escape. Their escape route cut off, the Gerudo close up tight, weathering well the twin sided attack.

>The Gerudo suffer 4 damage, 25/36 Morale remaining

But, the outcome of this battle is all too clear to Jinom they will easily grind the Gerudo down, unless they try something reckless. Little to Jinom’s surprise, they do, just not in the way he expected. Rather than some fool hardy assault or suicidal charge, a voice from the Gerudo gives a sharp command and they scatter. The Gerudo run every which way with each raider looking out for themselves. It makes them easy pickings, but in the dark a few might slip away. A truly desperate gambit.

>Focus on the those that can be seen. Chasing the Gerudo stragglers through the dark is a recipe for disaster.

>Hunt down every last Gerudo, let none of them escape to report back.

>Give the Gerudo an out and have them tailed, it will mean more will live to fight another day, but you will see where they retreat to and perhaps get better intel on these attackers.

>[Write In]
>Focus on the those that can be seen. Chasing the Gerudo stragglers through the dark is a recipe for disaster.

I'm >>6005222 on mobile.
>Focus on the those that can be seen. Chasing the Gerudo stragglers through the dark is a recipe for disaster.
They've still got plenty of Morale, they must be trying to lure us out into the Dark so they can pick us off piecemeal.
>>Focus on the those that can be seen. Chasing the Gerudo stragglers through the dark is a recipe for disaster.
>Focus on the those that can be seen. Chasing the Gerudo stragglers through the dark is a recipe for disaster.
>>Hunt down every last Gerudo, let none of them escape to report back.
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Ignoring those that slip the net, maybe a dozen in all, Jinom's forces close in around the core of the remaining Gerudo. A few try to break through the thinner parts of the line, but they are cut down in the attempt. The Hylians tighten up, further compressing the Gerudo until a single Gerudo steps forward. The woman removes her helmet and veil, revealing the face of a clearly older Gerudo. Her face is dark and weathered by years of exposure to the sun and wind, her head has more white white hairs, than the traditional Gerudo red. She spits onto the ground and casts her sword and helmet into the dirt. "Stop Fight." She calls in barely intelligible Hylian, then she barks an order in Gerudo and the remaining women throw down their weapons in surrender.

>Your father and brothers were shown no mercy, so neither shall you show mercy. Jinom orders his men to cut the Gerudo down where they stand.

>While the Gerudo have certainly done little to deserve your mercy thus far. You shall grant it to them. Jinom orders his men to take the Gerudo captive.

>[Write In]
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Alright folks, that is going to be all from me for this thread. We're close to falling off the board, and I don't want to start anything too important just to get cut off. Thanks for playing and see you all sometime around July 12th. Goddesses preserve us all until then.
>While the Gerudo have certainly done little to deserve your mercy thus far. You shall grant it to them. Jinom orders his men to take the Gerudo captive.

>>[Write In]
"why should we show you mercy?"
>While the Gerudo have certainly done little to deserve your mercy thus far. You shall grant it to them. Jinom orders his men to take the Gerudo captive.

Ask this first, though. Make 'em sweat.

Still, I want the intel, and I want our allies and potential allies to see that we're the safer bet to deal with, because we have more honor.
>While the Gerudo have certainly done little to deserve your mercy thus far. You shall grant it to them. Jinom orders his men to take the Gerudo captive.
This thread is now archived.
>While the Gerudo have certainly done little to deserve your mercy thus far. You shall grant it to them. Jinom orders his men to take the Gerudo captive

Prisoners can be useful. Taking Prisoners might encourage more Gerudo to surrender to us in the future, and the more that give up the better the war will go for us.
>Your father and brothers were shown no mercy, so neither shall you show mercy. Jinom orders his men to cut the Gerudo down where they stand.

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